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Areeba's POV:

"Mama give me my lunch I'm getting late for my university" I'm already so late. I forgot to set an alarm. I have told Mama multiple times that i am a grown up and i don't need a lunchbox like a kid. But mama being mama doesn't listen to me.

I heard the Bus Horn. I have to run. I can't afford to miss today's classes. My Attendance is already low it's not because i have been missing classes throughout the year. Teachers hate me and they cancel my attendance every second day. I tried to speak up but they failed me in my mid term exam so i decided it's better to keep quiet. I don't want to fail my final exam and waste a whole year.

"May I come in?"
"You are late" Came a reply. I am only 2 minutes late but i can't say that to her face she hates me already.
"You can but I am not marking your attendance" Bitch i silently sat on the only empty chair in the class which is next to a guy. I think his name is Abubakar. I have never talked to him because he is very intimidating.

"Can you remove your bag? I want to sit here"
"Excuse me"
"i said no" What is his problem.
"Areeba get out of the class. First you came in late now you are disturbing the class" Came my Teacher's shrill voice. I stand frozen.
"I said get out" Tears are prickling my eyes i immediately went outside the classroom.

Right now I'm in bathroom. I don't want to go the cafe. I don't want people to see how pathetic i am. I have been here for 3 years still I haven't made a single friend. It's kinda sad if you think about it. I heard the bell. It's time for next class. I entered the class . Thank God teacher is not here yet. Everyone is already seated. I see only one empty chair which is next to Abubakar.

"For God's sake" He grumbled under his breath. It's not like i want to sit next to him i have no other choice. There are no other seat available. This time he didn't make a fuss and removed his bag silently. I sit next to him. He is kinda pretty from close but the scowl needs to go. It makes him age 10 years. He looked at me and i averted my eyes. I didn't even realize i was ogling.

Teacher entered the class and i focus my attention to him. From the corner of my eyes i see Abubakar taking out his phone and start playing games. Teacher must have noticed it too because teacher suddenly called Abubakar.
"You what's our topic today"
"Displacement" He replied without taking off his eyes from his phone.
"Correct care to elaborate what it is"
"It is the shortest distance between two point"

I wasn't expecting him to reply. He was listening to the lecture. How? He got airpods in his ear. Professor look bewildered. He doesn't have a comeback so he started teaching again ignoring Abubakar. I'm tempted to ask him.
"How" But after our minimum interaction I don't think he is going to answer me and i am in no mood for extra embarrassment.

Finally university has ended. I just want to find those people who used to say university life is so fun. It's a very good experience. So far in my 3 years here i have yet to find something good. I am only here because of my mother. She wanted me to graduate. After our father, she is the sole bread winner. She has brought me up. Fulfilled my every desire. Now she wants something and i don't want to disappoint her. That's i am still here in this hellhole. I'm waiting for Mama to pick me up. She picks me up at the off time. She wanted to drop me off too but i refused. I know she gets tired by driving that's why i lied that in the morning i wants to go with my friends. Little does she know i have got no friends.

I heard the car horn.
"How was your day"
"It was good what about you"
"A little tiring but overall good" I know she is very tired but she is hiding it from me with a smile.

Hoping you like this chapter.
If you guys haven't noticed i have hit a writer's block and couldn't write anything for a month. But now i am finally back.

In the end it's Him and IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora