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Wahab's POV:

The construction site is so windy. My shoes are ruined. Took me an hour to find this place plus an hour drive. We are building a hostel. This place looks good for a hostel. I examined the whole place or as much as I could. We can start construction here in a week. I counted the material checked everything is here and nothing is missing.

I called the head of labours.
"How soon can you start"
"In a week sir"
"Make it 2 days I want to get started as early as possible" I am going take over this project from dad. He has given me the green signal to go ahead but he got one condition that my studies shouldn't be affected. I am done giving the instructions. I am about to go back when I see a familiar figure walking towards me. That is Ammara I mean Mam Ammara. What is she doing here? In the middle of nowhere.

"Hey what are you doing here?" She said smiling. She has a dimple. I can not seem to take my eyes off of her.
"I am overlooking a project here"
"The hostel one?"
"Yeah but what are you doing here"
"I live here" I want to ask the exact location but I doubt she will appreciate it.
"Should I drop you off?" It's getting dark. This area looks unsafe for a beautiful girl like her. Did I say beautiful? I must be going crazy because I am saying some weird stuff today.
"No No it is fine I will go" I want to persuade her but I can tell she doesn't want to so I retreated.

I went back to my house. Gave the details about my plan to dad and he loved it. I am so excited for it. I am in the university. I hate this attendance system. Why do I need 75 percent attendance to appear in a final exam I don't give a shit about. I dozzed off in all the lectures. I wake up to all students clapping. Why is everyone clapping? I start clapping too. Suddenly everyone start laughing. What is happening?

"Good morning mister wahab how was your sleep" Miss Ammara asked
I stand up combing my hair with my hand. "It was good"
"If you allow me should I start the lecture"
"Yeah go ahead" I thought that she was going to shame me for my lack of interest but surprisingly she did not. On the other hand, she paid special attention to me making sure i understood everything asking me if i have any question. It felt good the attention. The class ended and everyone start going out.
"Wahab can you stay back i want to talk to you?"
"How are you dealing with the transition so far?"
"It is fine".
"My offer still stands you know about asking for my help". I nodded my head in understanding. No teacher has ever paid that much attention to me.
"She is prettier from up close." My inner voice screamed. Oh shut up. It is inappropriate to have such thoughts about a teacher.

I am done with university for the day. 2 down and countless days to go. I have calculated that i can take 4 days from university every month and still maintain a 75 percent attendance. So i need to go only 14 days to the university if we minus the weekends and these 4 days. Damn i am good in maths i did not even know this fact about myself. I am smart when i want to be. I am going to the construction site to check if everything is going smoothly. Although i do not need to go everyday but i want to. I need everything to be perfect. At the site i realized i left my bag at the cafeteria. I would not have bothered going back if not for my wallet which is in my bag. I reached just in time guards were about to lock up the place. My bag is not in the cafeteria. I guess it got stolen. Now i need to buy another bag. I groaned. I just want to go home and sleep i am so tired. I was walking towards the parking when i heard my name being called. I turn around to see it is Ammara. She is running towards me holding something. It kind of looks like my bag. Why does she have my bag?

"That is your bag right. I find it in the cafeteria did not want it to get lost."
"Or stolen i said." This brought a smile to her face.
"Yeah that too."
"What are you still doing here it is way past the university time."
" I was just going home some student needed my help so i stayed back and i guess lost the track of time."
"Should i drop you home?"
No it is fine Beta (Kid)". I am no beta of hers. I am only 5 years younger than her. We will do something about this Beta later.
"It is okay i am also going that way. Remember the project i told you about i was going there."
"Okay then Are you sure it is not worry for you?"

I am more than happy to drop her. She got in the car and sat in the back seat instead of the passenger seat. So she keeps her distance. Good to know. I still do not know if she is married or not? I am praying she is not. She was silent the whole time. I want to talk to her and hear her melodious voice. But i do not how to strike a conversation with her . Strange usually i never felt nervous talking to girls. So why am i speechless in front of her. I keep on taking glances of her on the mirror. She looks lost in thoughts. She looks exhausted. Dealing with countless kids everyday must be hard. I stopped on the place we met yesterday.

"Where to next?"
"It is fine i will go from here i do not want to be any more inconvenience to you."
"No no it is all good." We both got off the car.
"Thank you so much beta." Again this beta. I am starting to hate this word. It angers me. She was about to go when a worker approached me.
"Sir you are here again is everything ok?" I signalled him to keep quiet but this duffer (idiot) did not take the hint.
"He was here earlier?" Ammara asked
"Yes he was. He went after making sure everything is ok."
"Wahab tell me did you come here specifically to drop me off?" I give her a guilty smile.
"Not good wahab you should not have done that "Saying that she walked away. She looks mad.

Hey guys. Tell me are you guys liking this story your feed backs motivates and don't forget to vote and comment.

In the end it's Him and IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora