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Ammara's POV:

I look myself in the mirror. I am unable to recognize myself. This is why People say Make up has so much power. I look different i look pretty.

"Mama Mama"
"Here i am"
"Mama we going?" How do i tell him it is my nikkah today. He still hasn't grasp the concept of marriage.
"Wahab is going to live with us from now on" instead of me going to wahab's house he is coming to mine. The reason is i don't want to disturb zayn by making way too many changes. When i discussed this with wahab he happily agreed saying he is ready to live on the roads even if that what it takes to be with me. I would be lying if i say marrying Wahab doesn't excite me. He made me broke my own promise of not marrying again. I have resigned from the university before the news broke out of my marriage. Call me coward but I don't want to see people talking about us badly from my eyes. I know we didn't do anything bad but still I know people are going to talk so it is better i leave the place where i am judged. Wahab in his own way has made a place in my heart. Firstly i used to think he plays with zayn solely to impress me. But he doesn't know that i have security cameras in my house and whenever i asked wahab to baby sit i used to look at the footage and i saw how his behavior remains the same despite my absence so all of this is not for a show.

Wahab's father is such a character. He accidentally bought dolls for Zayn.
"I told them to pack a remote control car" Zayn is scared of dolls. He doesn't like it that they are too life like so he ran away when he saw them. Wahab and his father ended up playing with the dolls because he didn't want to waste them. So i saw two man child combing dolls hair trying to make hairstyles for an hour. It is refreshing to see a good father son duo makes me miss my own father. I used to have a good relationship with him once but when i took the divorce he sided with everyone else instead of with his own daughter so everything went down the drain. Wahab's father treats me like his own daughter. He even invited to go golfing with him. I agreed in a heartbeat but there is one slight problem I do not know how to golf at all. So i struggled the whole time to even make contact with the ball. He was very patient with me. Showed me multiple times how to hit the ball.

I heard the door opening. I dazed out of the memories. Wahab , his father and molvi are here for the nikkah. I wanted to keep it very private so wahab didn't even invite his close friends respecting my wishes. I heard Zayn's giggles. My boy look so cute in a suit. There is also a story behind the suit. Me and wahab looked for the new suit clothe yesterday because the Tailor ruined it earlier. Then wahab made the Tailor wake up the night to stitch it despite the tailor's pleads.
"My son is going to wear it tomorrow and you are going to stitch it right now at any cost" Wahab said.

Rasheed uncle knocked on the door.
"Beta (child) are you ready?"
"Yes uncle i am" i turned towards him.
"Call me Baba not uncle you are a part of our family now"
"Baba" These words feel foreign on my tongue.
"Beta i want to thank you for everything. You may not have realized it but you change my son for the better. As you know My health is deteriorating i used to worry about wahab knowing him i know he will never settle down no matter how much i try. Then you came and shattered all his defences without even trying. You made him patient tolerant and loving. I never thought i would live to see my grand kid but you gave me that. I am forever indebted to you" Tears are running down both of our faces. I hugged him.

"You can continue your father daughter time later but there is a person waiting who may have a heart attack if he is not married within the next 10 minutes" Wahab interrupted making us laugh.

All of us are seating just as i was about to sign the papers the door bell ring. Who is here? I don't remember inviting anyone. Wahab got up to answer the door. He came back a minute just as i was about to ask. Two figures came from behind him. My mama and my baba. Pen fell out of my hands in shock. My eyes are deceiving me. They can not be here. This is not possible. I feel like i am going to have a heart attack soon. My heart is thumping loudly in my rib cage. Pin drop silence is all over the room.

"How could i miss my own daughter wedding" My father is one to break the ice cold silence.
"What is happening i am so confused" I manage to utter.
"I invited them " Wahab said. My brain can't seem to wrap up the situation.
"Let's get this nikkah done as the Molvi sahb has been waiting then we will catch up" Wahab's father spoke up. I was in a daze when i signed the papers. Wahab's father patted my head. My mother came and hugged me tightly.
"I am so sorry baby and congratulations you have found yourself a gem" I did not hug her back i can tell she was disappointed but she hid it with a smile. My father is coming towards me just as he was about to touch my head i moved away leaving his hand hanging in the air.

Dinner was served. Wahab's father tried his best to improve my mood and it worked. That man is hard to resist. I can feel the stares of my parents on me the whole time but i chose to ignore them. This is my day and i am not going to let them ruin it. I know they are ashamed of what they did but i am not ready to forgive them. Not yet for the trauma they put me through. They don't know i survived with a 2 month old baby in a cold shelter home floor. How i didn't eat anything for many days. They can't just show themselves out of the blue and expect me to forgive and forget.

Wahab pulled me aside.
"I invited them"
" I know you do not want to see their faces right now but i know how much you miss them and i think it's time to let go of the anger you have buried deep inside yourself not for them but for the sake of yourself"
"I do not miss them" i lied through my teeth.
"Ok then explain why are you still carrying their picture on your phone back cover. If you hate them that much why don't you throw it away?"  I am speechless. How does he know what is in my heart. It baffles me how much this guy truly knows me. The secrets i have hidden from everyone but he knows without me even uttering the sentences. My parents left after the dinner. They didn't want to overstay their welcome. They brought toys for Zayn but couldn't meet him as he was sleeping the whole time which i am really grateful for. He must have asked too many questions which i do not have the answer for. Zayn is staying with wahab's dad tonight as he said and i quote "I do not want to taint my grand kid's innocence that is why i am taking him with me" Baba has no filter. I am so embarrassed on the other side Wahab is enjoying my red face. He even pinched my cheek. All of this chaos made me forget i am a married woman now. I am Mrs. Wahab Rasheed.

Wahab's POV:

I am waiting for everyone to leave so that i can have some privacy with my wife it sounds so good on my lips. My wife the love of my life. She is still embarrassed over my dad's comment. After an eternity dad left. Ammara is in our room. Yes our room. I am moving here why should a girl always leave her house. Why can't it be the other way. She is a little bit disturbed about her parents arrival out of the blue but it was a necessary evil. She is never going to move on if she holds onto her grudges. I found her standing in front of the vanity mirror lost in thoughts. I took a minute to observe her. She looks absolutely breath taking dressed in a white maxi with very simple embroidery and white dupatta drapped over her. I picked this outfit for her myself. I hugged her from behind making her gasp. She stilled at first but relaxed when she see in the reflection that it's me. My heart did a flip at this. She trusts me.

"How are you begum (wife)?"
"I am good mian ji (husband)" Electric shocks ran through my vein at her calling me husband. She is trying to kill me with her words. I turned her towards me and just as i was about to kiss her my phone rang. I grumbled under my breath making Ammara giggle.

"What Dad"
"Nothing i was just checking. Are you guys hungry"
"No Dad we are not hungry do you need anything else"
"No" i cut off the phone before he could say something else.

"Now no one is going to save you from me dear wifey " i said and Ammara start running. Two can play this game. I start running after her just when i was about to hold her wrist she slipped out. Finally i caught her from behind.
"You can run all you want and i will catch you every single time " i picked her up bridal style and took her to our room.

          THE END

Another story done. When i first originally thought of this book i planned i will write at least five short stories and will close the book. Now five stories are done. So now i am leaving this decision to you guys do you want me to continue writing more short stories or these stories are enough?

In the end it's Him and IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora