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Wahab's POV:

I am planning to write a letter to Ammara. I am tired of keeping everything inside it has been 3 Months. She still calls me "Beta" I loathe that word. Lately she has started ignoring me i don't know why. She refuses to stay and listen to me but she does this for other students. I have told Baba too about her and he doesn't have a problem. First he was skeptical about her age but seeing my love for me he eventually warmed up to the idea. He sometimes even teases me about her asking "How is miss?"

I am sitting on a desk with pen and paper thinking what to write about her. I have so much to say but i don't know how to write this on a paper. I should write whatever is in my heart and not my brain.

"Dear Ammara,
You probably don't know me but i know you even better than i know myself. The way you speak is imprinted on my mind. Your melodious voice. Your hair the way they shine under the sunlight makes me go crazy. The way you pause to make sure everyone is listening to you attentively. Your scowl when you are irritated. I never believed in love at first sight until you. I love how you keep your distance from the opposite gender. It is one of the many things i admire about you. You must be confused reading this letter I understand but you got to understand me too i have been keeping all of this inside myself for a very long time. I am tired very tired i just want to let out all the feelings which are trapped inside of me. I still haven't given my introduction. I am Wahab the new student. The student who is coming to you nearly every single day for topics which i know you do not teach but still you never once turned me down.
Since i am being honest i want to say one more thing i absolutely loathe it whenever you call me The word "Beta" i am 23 not 3 and i still do not really know your age. We got to fix that too. We are going off track here aren't I. I still haven't told you the purpose of my letter. I want to ask you a question "Will you marry me?" I promise i will keep you happy. You will not regret it. I know i am your student and i am younger than you but i swear it doesn't matter to me. I have already talked to my father about you and he doesn't have a problem. If you want i will send my father to meet with your family. I dont ave a mother otherwise i would have sent her.
So please please consider it i will do anything and everything for you. There is so much more I have to tell you but i will only tell you face to face only if you allow me and one last thing i love you.

Yours Wahab."

I closed the envelope and put it on her table. My hands are literally shaking. My thoughts are all jumbled up. I am so nervous . I don't know how is she going to react. I don't know if i should wait for her to open it or not. I decided to stay. Finally she came to her office. She left her door open as usual. She noticed the envelope she picked it up. My heart is racing. Just then a student entered her room.

"Miss can you explain something to me" He asked. God damn it. Here my heart is ripping out of my rib cage and this idiot cares about a stupid question. She expected everything. But he didn't understand it in the first attempt so she explained everything again with patience. Even i understood the topic how come he didn't. I am personally going to tutor this guy just get out now. Finally after an eternity he comes out of the room.

I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Understood everything" He nod his head like a puppy.
"Now get out" He bolted like a thunderstorm is after him. I focused my attention back on the most important thing Ammara. She is looking at envelope curiously. "Pick it up Pick it up" She is about to open the envelope when her phone start ringing. Oh my god i want to bash my head on something. I palmed my face in frustration. I opened my eyes to see her standing In front of me. When did she come her.

"Do you need anything?"
"Then why are you standing here"
"Awein hi ( No reason) " She is looking at me weirdly. I don't blame her i must look like a stalker. I have been standing here for the past 40 minutes staring at her desk. She left the envelope on her desk. Looks like she is not going to open it today. She is locking her door. University hours has ended so she must be going home now. I should go now too. Work is waiting. We will see what happens tomorrow.

Supervising everything is hard. I fail to understand how my father managed it along with his office. I am barely managing the site work. Each person becomes a baby when they see me. It is like they forget how to work. They keep on asking "Sir is this okay or not" every five minutes. So far i have managed to keep my cool. Thankfully this project is ending soon the construction is nearly done. I hope i don't lash out on anyone. My thoughts bounce back to Ammara what is she doing. She should be here soon. I am waiting on her way as usual. She has not read the letter. I am terrified of her reaction. I do not have a single clue how is she going to react. I am losing hope and my optimism.

Hoping you like this chapter.
Eid Mubarak guys how did you spend your Eid..

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