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My head was spinning as I groaned blinking to open my eyes. As my sight adjusted to the light on the ceiling I felt a hand take mine.

I turned my head looking into the face of Lockwood who seemed pretty tired. Dark circles adoring the space under his eyes.

"Lockwood?", I spoke my voice raspy as I cleared it briefly. Lockwood smiled at me rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand as he stood up.

He looked as if he had not slept in days. "I thought you were dead", he whispered while his voice broke.

I smiled shaking my head. "How long was I out?", I asked sitting up with the help of George, who I just noticed, was standing on my right side.

"About a week", George answered. "Doctors said you wouldn't make it", he said smiling at me. "speaking of which. I'm gonna grab a nurse", he nodded at Lockwood standing up and leaving.

"Evie! Thank goodness you're alright", I heard my mothers voice as she opened the curtain around my bed.

She stopped briefly looking at Lockwood who held my hand and he cleared his throat taking his hand away.

"Mister Lockwood", she smiled kindly nodding at him. "Are you responsible for this?", she asked straightening herself looking at him sternly.

"No...I mean yes, but actually-", he began shaking his head stuttering.

"I protected him from a type three", I butted in and my mother averted her eyes from Lockwood to look at me with raised eyebrows.

"Well, Miss Fleming, he is your superior so he takes responsibility", she sighed shaking her head. "You endangered one of our best agents, Mister Lockwood", she said looking at Lockwood with a stern look making him let his head down.

"I understand", he mumbled and I shook my head sighing.

"We are both at fault, Miss Fittes. I couldn't hear or see the visitor first hand and when I did it was too late", I explained with a voice that hinted quite concern for Lockwood.

He obviously never encountered a type three. Me neither, but I did know what to do if the visitor was to attack someone. Well in last case I reacted too slow and got ghost touched.

"How did I survive?", I mumbled deep in thought as my Mom tried her best not to sound like a mom, because she wanted to keep my identity a secret.

"Mister Lockwood you endangered one of the best agents with your irresponsible behaviour. Didn't you think about letting the owners of the house give you the rightful information? Were you this focused on money to risk another agents life?", she began her monologue and I already knew it wouldn't end well.

"I-", Lockwood started but was immediately interrupted by Mom who was furious. "Until further instructions you are restricted to take offers from possible clients. No buts", she said sternly slightly raising her voice.

Then she turned around and left without another word right as George came back with a nurse.

"Was that Penelope Fittes yelling at you?", George was equally confused as the nurse behind him.

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