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"Shall we begin with the tests?", Lockwood asked smiling as Lucy swallowed the rest of her biscuit down.

She looked at the one beside me with confusion. "W-What tests? It didn't say anything about tests in the ad", she protested quickly looking at me briefly.

I just smiled warmly at her as George rolled his eyes. "Do you want this job or not?", he snarled at her and I kicked his foot near me slightly making him hiss. "Ow! What was that for?!", his eyes were wide.

"Don't be rude, George. Let's give her a chance, yes?", I tried to reason with his ego and he nodded rolling his eyes again muttering something. "You'll do great", I smiled at Lucy as I turned back to her.

She nodded gulping nervously. Lockwood cleared his throat. "I'll be the judge of that", he smiled winking at Lucy and she smiled awkwardly as I facepalmed.

Lockwood pulled the first cloth away from the hidden object underneath it. Obviously it was the skull in the jar.

Lucy began acing the tests with ease.

But then it came to the last and she was confused as Lockwood smiled. "I can't sense anything", she said her eyes still closed.

"Really? Are you sure?", Lockwood asked with some serious tone in his voice. I looked at him then at George and shook my head.

She will be furious just like I was. "Try a little harder, why don't you?", George said with a monotone voice looking her straight in the eye as she opened them briefly.

She then closed them again.

"No. I'm positive. Nothing", she placed the mug back onto the coffee table when Lockwood took it again.

"I should hope not", Lockwood began "That's Georges toothbrush cup", he finished and both George and Lockwood bursted out laughing as Lockwood tossed the cup towards George.

"Here we go", I muttered under my breath as I looked at Lucys unamused face.

"I didn't come here to be made fun of", she spoke in a harsh manner turning her head towards Lockwood.

There was a pause and then she stood up harshly to grab her gear walking towards the door. I kicked both men under the table which made them glance at me.

"Lucy! Wait!", I tried to reason with her standing up as she shouldered her backpack.

"I don't know what so-called agency this is", she turned around ignoring my pleading.

"But as far as I can see it's about as prestigious as a couple of pathetic little schoolboys playing agents before their parents get home", she ranted in one breath facing us, well mainly Lockwood, because he was now standing in front of me.

Lockwood opened and then closed his mouth. He was at the loss of words. "I'll see myself out", she spoke again this time looking at George.

The one wearing glasses whistled. "Feisty", he muttered towards Lockwood and I shot him a glare. That didn't make anything better.

As Lucy was about to step out of the door she came back in turning towards him. "Step over here", she gestured to the spot she stood in. "And I will show you how feisty I am", she spoke not daring to look away from his eyes.

"Maybe I will", he huffed and she wasn't having any of it. I gulped crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't see you moving", she stated the obvious and I smiled briefly.

"This is a deep armchair, takes a while to get up", he explained not looking away either.

"I'll wait", she whispered taking another biscuit from the plate on the table taking a bite from it and I took in a sharp breath as Georges face changed.

She just broke the biscuit rule.

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara