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"Please open the door", I could hear Lockwood beg from outside the door.

I sighed walking down the steps to the door. My hand grabbed the doorknob and the other the key. I was about to turn the key in the hole but I haltered. "Please", he whispered and I heard a muffled thump as he let his head fall forward against the door.

"I am sorry, Evie", he sighed and I assumed he let himself slide down the door leaning with his back against it. "I really am", he genuinely meant it, but that wasn't enough.

I didn't have to forgive him. Deep down I knew he didn't mean it, but the other part of me denied that. "I didn't think when I said those things. I was tired and exhausted", he explained with a soft voice.

"That still doesn't make things right", I sighed leaning myself against the door with my back. "I thought you liked me, Lockwood. Guess I was wrong", I whispered.

My heart ached a little as I heard him gasp slightly. "I do like you, Evie. I do! I really do! But that's the problem", he whispered the last part sighing.

"Do you want me to go?", I whispered looking at the door behind me as if I could see his face.


I could only hear my blood rush through my veins and the beats of my heart in my chest.

"No", I heard him say and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I don't want you to go. Not now and not ever", I could hear him stand up and I did the same.

With a swift motion I opened the now unlocked door und hugged him tightly.

He tensed up his arms outstretched as if he didn't know what to do. Then I felt him relax as I buried my head in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my back and his head was buried in my shoulder.

I breathed in his cologne making out the herb sent of pine cone. "Glad to see you two made up. I was beginning to think he would just lock himself in his room not wanting to jump over his shadow", George said and I could hear him smiling as he stood behind Lockwood.

I opened my eyes looking at him mouthing a "thank you", to him and he nodded smiling.

KNOW MY NAME | Anthony LockwoodWhere stories live. Discover now