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"I didn't know it was the source", Lucy crossed her arms over her chest protectively while sitting at the kitchen table in front of me.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to stay awake. The ghost touch drained me from my energy. Lockwood and George were leaning against the counter in front of the sink under the window.

"I just took it, because...", she stopped herself swallowing thickly as she glanced at me before turning back to the boys. "It's like I can feel what she feels", Lucy finally spoke sighing.

"What she wants", she added desperately. I shook my head as I nearly fell asleep trying to stay awake a little more.

I yawned earning a tired smile from Lockwood. Lucy stood up from her spot now standing while leaning on the chair with one hand. She sighed again tapping on the table impatiently.

"No, it's hard to explain", she frowned.

Lockwood seemed to understand though. "A psychic connection?", he guessed frowning as well before glancing at me with concern.

"Yes!", Lucy yelled out making me groan as the pounding in my head grew heavier. "Sorry", she whispered to me.

"I literally cannot believe you stole a source from a crime scene!", George shook his head in disbelief rubbing his eyes. "DEPRAC will bury us", he added briefly glancing at Lockwood before turning to Lucy once more.

"Excuse me. I'm not the only one round here who steals sources", she huffed crossing her arms over her chest once more. "What about that ridiculous skull you're always experimenting on?", she sassed at him and he shut his mouth.

"Annabel was stuck behind a wall for 40 years with nobody knowing and DEPRAC doing sod all". I stood up trying to not fall asleep sighing deeply. Lockwood handed me a cup of black tea to wake me up, because he knew I wasn't getting any sleep any time soon.

"She needs our help", Lucy added looking quite serious for someone who hasn't really slept.

"And what does she expect you to do, exactly, after all this time?", George asked her shaking his head not believing her.

"Solve this. Get justice", Lucy answered in a soft tone before glancing at me. I looked at her tiredly while drinking from the cup of tea in my hands.

"She's dead, Lucy. We can't help a ghost", Lockwood shook his head at her. "We need to destroy her source and move on. Let her go", he nodded briefly glancing at George before turning his full attention ahead to Lucy.

Lucy looked at me pleadingly. "Come on, Evie. Back me up here. Only you can understand what this means to me", she whispered desperately tilting her head slightly to the side.

I sighed setting down my cup in the sink behind Lockwood shaking my head. "Sorry, Luce. The only thing I understand right now is that I should go to bed before I black out again", I yawned to prove my point further.

"What about you, George? You love a new experiment! Why throw away the chance to investigate a new phenomenon?", she turned to George.

He chuckled. "Nice try, but psychic connections are weak science", he spoke. "You felt sorry for her. You heard her death loop. End of story", George added sassing around and I shook my head.

"Well, I heard her death loop too, multiple times might I add, and I don't feel the need to get any closer to her than I got tonight", I huffed as a shiver ran down my spine and I wrapped my arms around myself.

"So prove it", Lucy sassed back at George completely ignoring my statement which made me huff in annoyance. I was tired which made me grumpy.

"Before you destroy the ring, let me try to connect with her one last time", Lucy looked at Lockwood who seemed to not even consider the option. "See what I can feel. Let me prove to you that it is real", Lucy looked back at George.

"No way. Too dangerous", Lockwood shook his head slightly brushing his arm with mine as he crossed them over his chest.

"Well it is almost dawn. Her ghost will be much weaker", George seemed to be convinced by now and I sighed rubbing my face with my hands.

"Just let her do it. The sooner she proves it, the sooner I can get back to sleep", I grumbled looking up at him with a nod as Lucy began to smile.

"No! We've only just escaped with our lives. Twice. And Evie got ghost touched again, this is no time for experiments!", he shook his head again emphasising the 'again'.

George huffed while smiling. "Because you were unprepared. Twice. This time, we'll do it properly", he tried convincing Lockwood.

Then he leaned forward to get a better look at me before leaning back and looking at Lockwood. "Besides, Evie looks fine", he spoke smiling like an idiot. I shook my head smiling as well as he walked beside Lucy to her side.

"I need to do this", Lucy spoke certainly. Lockwood sighed before glancing back at me with a look of uncertainty and concern on his face.

"I'll be fine, Anthony", I smiled at him giving him a short nod making him inhale sharply.

"What was that you were saying about normal people?", Lockwood looked towards George while Lucy just looked confused.

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