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.𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑡.

"Risk is exactly what I'm paying you for!", Sebastian Saunders reasoned with the crew that was planned in for digging open a nameless grave.

About a week ago I got back to work at my mothers agency. I got back to work immediately. I build up my own team of agents at 'Fittes & Rotwell'.

Now I'm standing with my team next to Saunders watching him yell at his crew.

I rolled my eyes at their antics of hesitation. It couldn't be that bad, now could it? Suddenly three new people entered the scene and my breath hitched in shock.

It was none other than Lockwood and Co walking up the stairs of the old crematorium standing on the other side next to Saunders.

"Ah, Mr. Lockwood. Just in time", Saunders sighed in relief and I huffed crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Lockwood didn't even acknowledge me one bit as if I was the pest or something.

I scoffed making Lockwoods eyes snap towards me. His face turned cold and nearly emotionless.

"These troublemakers are refusing to let their teams work", Saunders complained about the behaviour of his crew making Lockwood look at them before turning back to Saunders.

"It's not safe, and you know it. You call it risk. I call it suicide", one of the workers spoke up looking at Saunders.

"Even I can sense it, and I haven't been able to see a visitor for 35 years!", the man next to her spoke up.

"Which is exactly why we hired these agents", Saunders gestured to my team and then to Lockwood. "the best of the best, to deal with the whole situation", Saunders added.

The man from before spoke up looking at Lockwoods team. "Where's their uniform? Where's their supervisor?", he asked and I had to stifle my laugh.

Hayley, my supervisor, shoved me slightly making me shut up as her elbow hit my side. Good thing we had uniforms and a supervisor.

I saw Lockwood take a breath at that question. "Myself and my team refuse to work near that grave until it's made safe", a red headed woman spoke up.

"It's making us ill", she added with a scoff.

Saunders shook his head trying to reassure both my team and Lockwoods that it was safe. "Ignore them. Let's get inside", he gestured for the door to the crematorium.

But Lockwood stopped him. "Mr. Saunders, if I could, just for one moment...", I heard Lockwood whisper and already knew he was going to hold a speech for them.

I snapped my fingers at my team to go inside with me. I couldn't stand hearing his voice.

I stand with my team on one side of the catafalque as Saunders entered with Lockwood, George and Lucy walking in behind them.

"You missed the inspirational speech, Mr. Lockwood gave", Saunders said to us making me huff in annoyance.

"Oh really? I bet it was really touching", I roll my eyes in sarcasm as I speak. My team laughs and Lockwood and Co rolled their eyes.

"Right. Let's get this signed", Saunders held two clipboards up for me and for Lockwood to take. I took it from the old mans hands with caution.

"What happened at the incident?", Lockwood asked taking a pen from the 'table'.

"The gravediggers mistimed it. Got caught with an exposed casket as the sun set", Saunders replied. I looked at hin with a frown.

How could you mistime something like that?

"Did anyone see a visitor?", Lucy asked the man in front of her.

"Sensitives can't get their stories straight", Saunders shook his head sighing. He looked like he was hiding something. "Apart from the fact they're all sick and need a lie-down", He then added and I stopped reading the papers on my clipboard to look at him.

"No backbone, your generation", he taunted and I frowned at him. I looked at my team, they all had the same expression on their faces.

I looked over to George and Lucy who shared a glance. "You said the casket was exposed?", George changed the subject back to the topic.

"Yes, but not opened", Saunders nodded looking at us all.

"Let me guess, that's why we're here. To open a casket that makes all sensitives sick?", I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Exactly. That's your job. You'll be on your own", Saunders confirmed my question and I huffed silently. He is mad.

"You'll not have anyone near that grave until it's made safe", he added confidently thinking we would agree to that. Lockwood and I shared a glance of uncertainty.

It was the first time we made genuine eye contact again. "I can't risk any more disruption", Saunders spoke further.

"You said we'd be well-supported. This is not what we agreed", Lockwood shook his head looking back at Saunders.

"What if there are relic men, or some other active visitors out there?", Lockwoods voice was harsh, but not angry. He was frustrated and I knew exactly why.

Saunders made false propositions and we were both caught up in his little net.

"If you wish to complain, just complete the relevant paperwork", he grinned knowing Lockwood and I both didn't have enough time for that.

"I'm not filling out more forms", Lockwood said through gritted teeth. He was trying to contain his anger to the minimum.

"Suit yourself", Saunders shrugged. Then the man held up the contract Lockwood already signed. I signed too...meaning we were both mot going to get aways from this case.

"But both your teams are still under contract", Saunders tapped both the clipboards where Lockwood and I signed.

Lockwood inhaled in frustration. "Well, we might as well get this over with", I sighed rubbing my eyes in frustration.

Lockwood glanced at me before talking. "We shouldn't even be here. We should be front-page news", he spoke shaking his head and I scoffed making him look at me.

"Oh really? Well guess what, you're here, with me and my team. Deal with it and get over your ego", I huffed at him rolling my eyes to leave the old crematorium to go outside with my team.

He really needs to sort out his priorities.

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