2- Excursions

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It's been three days since I met Charles. He's still a mystery, which annoys me slightly.

I like to know about other people while they still lack information on me.

People claim I "wear my heart on my sleeve" but that's the point, for everyone to think i'm an open book, while anything that actually has meaning, I don't tell people.

Everyone knows the random things about me, I don't put the effort into hiding something as stupid as my favorite color, or my favorite movies, honestly, everyone probably knows i'm to indecisive to even have a favorite movie

Helena Petrovic, A girl that cares for everyone, that will go to any length to protect her friends, a girl that doesn't keep secrets, she never cries, she's a strong girl, independent too.

I could be an actor with how good I am at masking everything. When I hear people describe me the way they do I almost feel proud that no matter how much I feel like it finally got to me, that i'm showing everything's effect on me, everyone still sees me as the happy and confident girl.

Not the girl I know. Not the girl I am.

"Helena!" I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of Charles' voice at the other side of my front door

"How can I assist you Sir Charles" I smile opening the door to be greeted with the french man

"Wonderful question Miss Helena, follow me"

"Sorry, I don't go places with strangers"

"Хајде" [come on]

"Oh so he's a polyglot" I smile at the fact I taught him how to say that yesterday

"What the hell is that?"

"I think that's the word for someone that can speak four languages"

"Well then apparently I am"

"Go put on a bathing suit under your clothes then we can go" I roll my eyes at his demand, running back upstairs to do as he said

Once I arrive again he smiles

"Now follow me"

"Is there candy? I only follow strangers with candy"

"Wonderful, that's every kidnappers dream"

"Everyone dreams about hanging out with me anyway" I wink while putting on shoes

"How did you do that!"He looks astonished which I can't help but laugh at

"What? Wink?"

"Hey don't laugh, it's a serious question"

"It's a secret, I think your attempt at winking is funny"

"Ah so you enjoy my embarrassment"

"That I do"
"Okay, where are you kidnapping me to"

"Come on"

he leads me to his car, the very same one I thought was beautiful my first day here. I smile getting in, he notices my excitement as I feel his gaze on me

"You like my car?"

"Yes, i'm only hanging out with you so I can ride in your car"

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