28- Golfing

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After leaving Max's house I was extremely confused, what am I supposed to do with that information?

I heard it myself, he told Pierre that I was nothing, and I hate myself for thinking maybe it wasn't

I feel as if i'm playing a game of tug a war, my heads pulling me in one direction, and my heart in the other, i'm just waiting to find out which one will win, ignoring the other. After months of fighting, one of them will eventually get tired, retiring from the possibilities of a relationship, or giving up on trying to run away from that very thing.

I haven't talked to him since the boat day, it's been a week, now being the 22nd, I leave tomorrow for Madrid Open

Lando- "Helena! Come on! Ready to get smacked?"

"I'm a pro golfer I don't know what you're talking about"

Lily- "Helena...Do you know the difference between the clubs?"

"Okay that's not the point. It's not necessary anyway, I can just look at what you use and use the same one"

Sofiia- "Ooo that's a good idea!"

Alex- "We can't all be amazing at more than one sport" He shrugs messing with me and the brunette

"I am most definitely good at more than just tennis" I cross my arms in defiance to his claim

Lando- "And what sport would that be?"

"I'm a Tennis Player, Golfer, and a football player"

Sofiia- "Please! You're actually delusional"

"If I say something enough, can I manifest it?"

Lily- "You can't manifest skill"


Lando- "Guysss!!" The curly headed boy whines like a child, "Can we go! The tee time is in like ten minutes"

Sofiia- "Okay okay, you're more eager to do this than to go to the track on race day" We all leave the hotel room, walking down stairs to the cars

Alex- "Yeah man, are you living a dual life"

"Aww Lando is Hannah Montana"

Lando- "What's that?" He looks at me confused, I let out a dramatic gasp at his words, quickly looking at Sofiia

Sofiia- "You don't know what Hannah Montana is??!!"


Sofiia- "Incompetent weirdo"

Lily- "Does incompetent even make sense in this situation?"

Alex- "Lils, you've had your share of random sentences, you might want to try and not be a hypocrite" He kissed the top of her head, she rolls her eyes with a smile still on her face

We all arrive to the course, getting out of the car i'm unable to hide the feeling of confusion and annoyance at the view laid out infront of me

None other than Charles Leclerc and Carly i don't care enough to know her last name

The two laughing and talking with Max

Why are they here? I asked who was coming and they said only Max, there's actually no way I was just roped into a four hour experience with the couple I despise more than words can explain being displayed to me, rubbed in my face for the entirety of the duration

I walk over to them, a fake smile on my face, I give the couple a short greeting before hugging Max

Max- "Thank you for being my savior from all these couples" he sends me a wink as we walk away from Charles and Carly, going towards one of the four golf carts we were given

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