45- French arguments

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"We have to do something it's our last night"

"Sof, we have a flight like early as fuck tomorrow"

"Nine isn't that early"

"It is when you're hungover"

"Then we won't be hungover"

"You know damn well we'll be hung over"

"Come on it's not that long of a flight we'll survive"

"Five hours with a headache is painful"

"Then we just won't be hungover"

"Yeah that's believable" I don't think we've ever been somewhere without getting drunk. It's physically impossible

"Please" She drags the word extra long, begging me to say yes

"You know you're an adult right? Like you can make your own decisions"

"But I don't want to go without you"

Lando- "Just say yes so I can have my girlfriend back"

Kika- "Come on Helena, she's gonna explode" I hear the amusement in her voice, turning around I see the two come into the living room where i'm sat with my brunette best friend

"You guys don't have a flight at the ungodly hours of the morning"

Isa- "What times the flight?"

Sofiia- "Nine"

"Which means we have to be there by seven and need to wake up at six"

Isa- "Sofiia, she's got a point"

Lando- "No! Don't change her mind I want to party!"

"Shut up you're a child"

Sofiia- "That'd make me a pedo"

Isa- "We've had this conversation before"

Charles- "What are we talking about?" I smile as he walks into the room, trying my best to not look to happy with his presence

We've successfully managed to avoid anyone catching us, running around the city whiteout anyone realizing we've left, he's shown me multiple places including the secret beach, and a cliff that looks over the entire town

I've been on cloud nine for the past week, i've never felt this happy before and it's starting to concern me

Lando- "We're trying to convince Helena to agree to going out even thought they have a flight tomorrow morning to New York"

Charles- "Shit that's tomorrow?"

"Yeah, gotta go play tennis and be adults I guess"

Kika- "Didn't you literally win Wimbledon?"

"Well yes but now it's the US Open"

Isa- "you could successfully live off of just that prize money for like four years at least"

"I don't really do it for the money, I just love playing"

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