13- Spontaneous

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"come on Helena, come with me! you'll have so much fun I promise"

"I have to get ready for Indian Wells"

"Its four days before, you can fly out the morning after I promise"

"Why are you even going its so random"

"I was invited by one of my golf friends, Lily"

"Then you go, I don't want to intrude on you hanging out with lily" Alesia is currently trying to convince me to go to some race called Formula 1

"I can't go alone, she wants you to come, come on don't be boring"

"I am not boring, I just have a tournament, you know, my job"

"I haven't seen you in literally three months, pretty please with a cherry on top"

"Did you know a cherry on top means a kiss on the cheek?" I smile despite knowing she can't see me as I say one of our jokes from when we were younger

"Fascinating, I didn't know that. You could tell me all about it if you came here and saw your best friend"

"I hate you, but fine, I guess I'll go"

"Be careful, you might even sound excited"

She teases me making me laugh, "where is it?"

"Bahrain, it's only an hour from you, we can be spontaneous together"  just the mention of where Charles was in February makes my stomach twist, I hate that I'm still thinking about him

"I already said I'd go with you dumbo, what hotel are you staying at I'll book a room"

"Yay! We're going to have so much fun I promise!"

"Alright, I'll figure everything out and call you later"

Once I was off the phone I check flights, it's only an hour flight since i'm in Dubai, at least I'm not traveling across the damn world for her little spontaneous idea.

It's March 3rd, I've been staying in Dubai and site seeing after the tournament since I've been so tired but I guess why not go to this race thing with Ale. It'll take my mind off everything. The matches, Charles, specifically Charles. I still feel horrible whenever I think about how I left but I had to, I know if I told him I wouldn't have left, Rachel told me I had to leave, and that she didn't want me to tell him, she said that it would supposedly hurt him if I didn't say anything which would make his feelings turn to hate

The last thing I want is for him to hate me, especially when I still have those feelings

I decide I'll fly to Bahrain today, this will be a good distraction, I book the next flight and before I know it i'm at the airport.


"Helena!" I squeal as I see her, throwing myself into her arms she hugs me tight

"I've missed you so fucking much of my god"

"I can't believe you convinced me to get on a flight literally three hours ago and now I'm here"

"I'm so excited for you to meet lily, and her boyfriend is so nice"

I follow her through the airport before getting in a car, the driver takes us to the hotel I recognize as the one I got a room at

We leave my suitcases with a bellman before she drags me to a restaurant

Alesia- "Lily, Alex, this is Helena"

"It's so nice to meet you guys"

Lily- "You play tennis right?"


Alex- "That's so cool, so you're a pro?"

"Yeah" I shrug smiling, I don't really like talking about myself

"And you play golf?"

Lily- "Yup, how I met the wonderful Alesia"

"I don't know about wonderful-"

Alesia- "Rude!" We both laugh as her reaction

"And you're the driver, correct?"

Alex- "That would be me" He nods smiling

"Okay so I know nothing about Formula 1 like could you help me understand since I was so rudely dragged here last minute"

Alex- "Yeah, so there's ten teams, 20 drivers, each Grand Prix is three days where the first day is a free practice just to get used to the track and test everything that was today, qualifying is tomorrow where every driver is trying to get the fastest time they can and that determines the starting grid for Sunday, when the actual race is"

"Uhh, okay, so three days, 20 drivers, what are the teams are they like random businesses? Who builds the cars? Sorry, I'm asking a lot of questions"

Alex- "No its okay lily didn't know a lot at one point too, but yes and no, some teams like Mercedes, McLaren, and Ferrari they all are owned by the actual company then some main teams sort of have a b team" I hate myself for the butterflies in my stomach at the though of driving around in Charles' Ferrari.

"Which team do you drive for?"

"Williams which is apart of Mercedes"

"Got it"

We all kept talking before we decided it was late and we should head to bed, especially since he has qualifying tomorrow.

Look at me, using correct terms.



"Do you know anything about Formula 1?"

"Nope, I'm just here because Alex said he had two passes and wanted lily to have someone to hang out with since the other wags wouldn't be there"

"What the fuck is a wag"

"Its the girls dating the drivers, he just didn't want her to get lonely, that's why we're here"

"Cute, I'm just glad we can be clueless together"

"Always" We both laugh as we make it back to our rooms, I say a quick goodnight before disappearing into my room

Something in me makes me want to look back at my messages with Charles

Once I start reading them I can't stop, the constant playful bickering and arguing on who's house we should hang out at makes me sad, I miss it, but its been two months, I need to forget. I scroll down to the lasts texts. A series of ones from Charles asking if I'm okay and where I am, I never answered them. He stopped texting on January 28th, another reason as to why my mood was shitty on the last day of the tournament. I hate myself for leaving without telling him, I hate Rachel for making me, and mostly, I hate that I still care when he definitely moved on

I take a deep breathe, closing my phone I decide to go to bed. Maybe this spontaneous trip will make me forget him.

Words: 1086

Super short filer chapter, I apologize
I might post another tonight since this once wasn't the longest

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