11- Flights not Feelings

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I leave today. I haven't told Charles I am leaving so soon since he thinks i'm not going to be gone for another week

Im not going to tell him.

Rachel called me, told me that she heard about Charles from Sofiia and that I have to 'leave him in Italy'

I get why, she told me I need to be focused on a grand slam, her words and I quote 'it's bad enough that you left for a month, we don't need you distracted with some boy you just met'

I will admit, I like him, a lot. I suppose that happens when you don't leave a persons side for over a month.

But, I can't get hurt, I can't get distracted, I'm getting dangerously close to him after swearing I would stay away from guys after my last one.

A winter fling, if you will. God, my stomach aches just thinking about leaving.

I'm currently packing, Charles thinks i'm working out, he said he would come over for lunch although i'll be gone by then. My eyes blur thinking about it

Why do I care so much? How can one month effect me so drastically?

I don't want to face him, it's easier if I forget this month ever happened, go back to reality.

I suppose it helps that I don't even know who he actually is either, that'll make this easier. To forget, wipe away the memories.

It's for the best. How many times should I say it before I believe it? If it's for the best why does it hurt so bad?


11:13, my taxi just dropped me off after an hour drive to the airport, this is going to be an unreasonably long day, an hour car ride, 18 hour flight, and training when I land, fan fucking tastic.

"Melbourne Australia" I smile at the girl working, handing her my suitcase

"Passport please" I nod quickly grabbing the small book

After handing it to her I see my phone in my bag, grabbing it I find a text from Charles

Marc ;)
-Did you go into town without me? Evil

Fuck. This is going to be harder than I thought

"You're all set, enjoy your flight" The girls voice brings me back, realizing where I am I quickly say thank you, heading towards security

"Helena Petrovic?!" I look to my left to see two girls, huge smiles plastered onto their faces as they look at me

"Hello" I smile, my heart warms seeing how excited they are

"Can we get a picture?"

"Of course" I take the girls phone, taking a picture of the three of us before wishing them a good day

Sometimes I forget that there are people that follow me, that know who I am not just for the sake of hating me

I never expected that winning a tournament could almost make me feel guilty

I won the Madrid Open last year, my friends were so proud of me but hearing people yell that I was privileged, that I didn't deserve to win, that I don't belong here, god, I heard it so much I started to believe it.

Marc ;)
-When will you be back?

This is gonna be a long flight

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