22- Jealousy

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I have officially survived a day worth of flying, absolutely criminal for a flight to be that fucking long

We all made it to the hotel,  it's Friday night so we want to immediately fall asleep, and do not plan on getting up until Qualifying starts tomorrow


"Come on, we have to get up"

"Fuck you" I groan squeezing my eyes shut as he turns the lights on

"Princess Helena, that's no way to talk to your best friend"

"After this, i'm reconsidering your ability to use that title"

"Well shit, seven years of my life down the drain for waking you up at 1pm"

"There's no way it's 1"

"No I just said it for shits and giggles, get your bitch ass up"

"So much attitude I would almost think you're a teenage girl"

"Yup, i'm a girl now, even have the ass to match"

"Lucas. There's not enough ass to even have this discussion"

"You take that back! I've got a fatty!"

"This is why you're still single"

"Nope, single cause i've been secretly in love with you for the past six years"

"Saying you're secretly gay would've been a more believable answer"

"Why didn't I think of that!"

"Because your brain doesn't work that fast"

"Okay i'm done being bullied you've already attempted to gaslight me into saying I don't have an ass, let's get ready"

"Because you don't have one" I deadpan, the hurt in his eyes at my words being entirely genuine

"Fuck off, go change"

"Where's Sofiia?"

"She threw up this morning, I think she got food poisoning on the plane"

"Seriously? We should bring her something"

"What can we do though? She'll throw everything up"

"I'll be back, go change into this" I hand him a red bull shirt Max had delivered to make sure we were all showing our 'team spirit'

He nods taking the shirt and disappearing into the bathroom, I quickly leave heading downstairs into the shop in the lobby and buying crackers, ginger ale, and a probiotic shot

Once i've dropped it off I head back to get ready

"I look astronomically sexy"

"Yeah and i'm an actual princess"

"Wouldn't be surprised, your family is loaded"

"They are not loaded, yours are"

"I can't argue with that" I roll my eyes at his words, when we first met he was genuinely confused that I didn't have a mountain vacation house, only having a beach house

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