14- Qualifying

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"Morning sunshine!"

"Fuck off before I murder you"

"Now that's no way to speak to your bestest friend in the whole world"

"Okay, what is wrong with you, are you broken?"

"Yes. Now let's go I'm starving"

"What time is it?" I groan siting up

"Twelve, you slept in super late"

"When is qualifying?"


"I do not need to be up right now!"

"Yes but we're going there at four"

"I hate you"

"I've heard, now up we go"

We went to lunch and got ready and soon enough, we're on our way to the circuit.

Lily- "So we can walk around and I can show you the other garages before qualifying starts, Alex has meetings and pr to do so we won't see him much"

"Okay, i'm excited"

Alesia- "Same"

Lily- "I'm happy you guys are here, I would've been so lonely"

Alesia- "Of course bae, and we get to hang out around rich hot men"

Lily and I laugh at her comment

"You can't even see them when they're racing"

Alesia- "How would you know you don't even watch the sport dumbo"

"My grandpa was a formula 1 driver, there's a picture of him in our house in his car and you obviously can't see who it is cause of their helmets"

Lily- "Wait that's so cool"


Alesia- "Girl why did you never even tell me that"

"You didn't know? I mean it's not like we talk about the sport a lot"

Alesia- "Valid"

"Estella's grandpa raced with mine"

Lily- "Now i'm confused how you never watched before, you'll love it, it's so fun to watch"

"Now I just want to be there"

Soon enough we pulled up to a gate, I watched as Lily scanned a card, the fence opening

Once we park we all got out, having to scan our passes we walked into the thing with all the garages

Lily- "Would you guys want a tour?"

"Yeah, of course"

Lily- "Let's go to Ferrari maybe isa is here if we're lucky" why does such a simple god damn word need to make me feel like that?

Alesia- "Ooo I personally think I look good in red"

"Shut up, you look bad in everything"

Alesia- "What would I do without you" She laughed as I blew her a kiss

We arrive at the Ferrari garage and my stomach drops. Everything around me stoping


He's here. What is he doing here? Is this what he was here for in February?

Lily- "Alesia, Helena, this is Charles Leclerc"

Alesia- "Hey, nice to meet you" I don't say anything, neither does he, I can't think. I can't move.

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