8- Christmas Eve

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"Charles! Wake your lazy ass up!" I cheer, prancing into his house with the biggest smile possible on my face

I roll my eyes as I open the door to his room, the peaceful brunette still in a deep sleep

Determined to make him wake up I connect to his speaker, pressing on a Christmas song we've probably heard a hundred times since we decorated the house.

I turn the volume all the way up, blasting it right beside him

I hear him groan, a smirk of victory growing on my face, I turn the music down jumping onto the right side of the bed that's unoccupied

"Good morning sunshine"

"I would be so pissed off right now if anyone but you just did that"

"I can't do wrong, plus who has the audacity to sleep past ten on Christmas eve"

"Me, I would have if you'd allow me to"

"Christmas is a big deal Marc, better start acting like it before I assume you're boring"

"Me?! Boring?! You're out of your mind Valentine"

"Wait cause that totally rhymed"

"Chéri, you're loosing your mind"

I roll my eyes at the nickname, "I'm far more intellectual than you"

"All the Christmas activities are driving you to insanity"

"I'm only going to be driven to insanity if you don't get up right now"

"If this is what you consider normal then the last thing I want is insanity"

"Good so get up" I grin, grabbing his hand and pulling him up, he gets up walking over to his dresser where he throws on a shirt

"You act like a teenager"

"Im doing you a favor, this little escape of yours would be so boring without me"

"Are you sure you're not lying about your age?"

"Are you sure you're not actually 70?"

"i'd like to think I don't look a day past 65"

"That's a stretch, you're looking like you're nearing 80"

"Ouch!" He laughs as we make it to the kitchen

"Okay so we could make french toast, crepes, biscuits-"


"Now you sound like the teenager"

"My sincerely of apologies for experiencing the feeling, dare I say, of happiness"

"Okay mr fancy wording, get the flour"

"Yes ma'am"

I continue to boss the green eyed brunette around, forcing him to oblige to my rules on how we're going to make the breakfast

Once we've succeeded we sit down, a wide smile on my face

I feel like i'm ten again, carefree, happy, when holidays were spent in a house we all actually lived in, when we'd all smush into the dining room table and play cards on Christmas eve, baking cookies with my grandma to give everyone when they came back up from the beach. I feel as if I can be myself, not the one i'm expected to be for the public eye to see, the one I want to be, with only the eyes of Charles watching me.

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