10- Christmas

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"Charles it's Christmas!" I beam walking into my guest room where he decided to sleep so that he'd already be here when I woke up

I hear him groan telling me he's awake, I smirk at my idea, going through with it I jump onto the bed, laying on top of him

"Valentine" his morning voice rings out

A blush rises on my cheeks as I feel his arms wrap around me

"Just lay down for a second" I don't fight him, getting under the covers he pulls me close to him, a small smile on his face, his eyes still closed as if he's sleeping

I lay my head in his chest, my hand wrapped around his torso

We laid like that for a couple minutes, enjoying the peace in each others company before I feel him kiss my forehead, I open my eyes to see his looking at me, I try to stop my smile by biting my lip but I fail, my eyes lock with his, a look I can't read swimming through his green eyes.

"It's rude to stare Marc" I whisper, the only thing I can do as all the strength left my body the second his hand went under my shirt, rubbing small circles into my side

"To bad" he whispers back, we both enjoy the moment, savoring it even

"Alright Chéri, we can go now"

"Okay" As much as I love this feeling, i'm excited for Christmas to start

As we're walking downstairs I stop, turning around to Charles in confusion

"Why are there so many presents under the tree?"


"Okay can we talk about the fact that full on children are all happy and excited for a mother fucker to break into your house, eat your food, knows when you're awake, knows where you are, and can basically 'read your mind' oh and the only time you can see him is in a damn mall"

"But he gives you presents so it's okay"

"Exactly! It's creepy" I flop onto the couch, the brunette joining me

"Were you the kid that cried when you met him?"

"Nope, I just refused to ever go near him cause he was weird"

"I didn't have a problem with him, I didn't look past the presents thing"

"My friend told me one time that in Sweden either your dad or a family friend would dress up as Santa and hand out the presents in your living room"

"That seems a lot nicer"

"Oh totally like he walks through the front door, talks to you, and sits with you, i'd take that over breaking into my house and eating my food while i'm asleep"


"Plus I had a thing where I didn't trust anyone with a beard"

"Really?" his laugh makes me light up

"Yup and it didn't help that my grandpa had a beard"

"Your poor grandpa probably just wanted your love and you were scared of him"

"It's like wearing a permanent mask, no one in my family has ever seen him without a beard, tell me that's not a little weird considering that means no one's ever actually seen his face"

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