5- Tennis Knowledge

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I agree to watching a movie, he gets up from the piano, walking me into his room, I get under the covers, pulling the blankets over me as he smiles watching my actions, quickly joining me in the king bed

"What movie should we watch?"

"Your choice Valentine"

"No, that's not how this works"

"Okay you're right, I forgot how indecisive you are"

"What about this? A tennis movie"


"Sure" I shrug nonchalantly

He presses play on the movie King Richard

He left to go get popcorn in the middle of a scene where Serena is playing a juniors tennis match, I watch intently as the points interest me

"God damnit! Why would you hit a backhand" I huff crossing my arms

The match continues and she double faults, "Serena, girl your contact point"

"What are you on about?"

"Oh, hi"

"You never told me you watched tennis or at least know tennis"

"I play sometimes"

"Clearly, you sound like a little tennis coach, I heard you from the hall"

I slouch down on the bed, the blanket covering my face only leaving my eyes

"Why are you being shy, it's cute that you're all mad about the movie"

"Shush! Sit down"

He laughs placing the bowl on the side table beside me before walking back to where he was, laying beside me

For some odd reason, just being in his presence calms me, we've only known each other a little over a week and he already feels like home, comfort.

I don't get through the whole movie before falling asleep, the last thing I remember is moving closer to him since I was cold


I wake up confused, where am I? Oh right, Charles' room.

I look around, trying to sit up but am stopped as I realize i'm in his arms, cuddled up laying on his chest. A certain feeling flows through me at my realization to just how close our bodies are to one another.

I try to gently pull his arms off of me but he starts to move, pulling me tighter to him making my cheeks grow red

"Don't leave" His voice makes me relax, accepting that i'm not leaving, laying my head back on his chest I close my eyes, allowing myself to fall back asleep

The next time I wake up there's no longer a sleeping Charles beside me making me slightly sad

Before I can think about it any more the door to the room opens, welcoming a shirtless Charles into the room

"Good morning Valentine"

"Good Morning Marc" he smiles at the name, walking over to the bed he lays on his stomach, looking at me

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