53- Traveling

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"Do we have to go?"

"Chèrie, as much as i'd love to stay here, it is in fact my job" I frown at his gentle words, wrapping my arms tighter around him as we lay in bed, the rising sun peaking through the crack in the curtains

I allow myself to soak in the moment for a little longer until I let out a breath, "Fine, we can go now" his chest moves under me as a chuckle falls from his lips, his arms dropping from where they were wrapped around me for the duration of the night up until now, the lack of touch that I had gotten used to now leaving a cold feeling in its place

Sofiia- "Princess! Vamos!" I smile hearing her voice through the door, her acrylic nails tapping against the material awaiting for me to answer

"Bitch, shut up, you failed Spanish one" I fake scold her as I pull the door open

"Good morning sunshine! It's a beautiful day" What crack did this girl take?

"Are you broken? What are you on?"

"We're going to Singapore, Charles is here- oh by the way! hi charles- all is right in the world" she interrupts herself in her sentence to stop and wave at the man who's now pulling a shirt over his head before continuing with the enthusiastic statement

"How did you know he was here, he could've gotten another room"

"You're cute, really, It's adorable that you think i'm that blind"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I look at her confused as she flops onto the bed, watching me go over to my suitcase to get all my stuff sorted

"You two can't stay the fuck away from each other if you know that the other is nearby" I hear a deeper laugh from behind me as her words fill the room, I spin around to see Charles smiling down at me while shaking his head

"She's not wrong chérie" He walks over to me, momentarily placing his hand on my waist so he can kiss my forehead before pulling away, "I'm gonna go find Lando, meet us in the lobby once you're ready" I nod saying a quick okay that Sofiia agrees to, the moment the door shuts she runs over to me, grabbing my arms and shaking me

"Jesus women what the hell!"

"I could say that same thing! Why didn't you tell me!"

"Because I didn't even know! And don't even with that bullshit you literally saw us in Mexico"

"Yeah but then you told me that he doesn't like you let alone love you and drunk cried in my arms" I looked at her shocked

"I did not! I don't drunk cry" Shaking my head in denial I try and understand what she just said

"Yup, had to kick Lando out and everything, you got ahold of vodka and I found you sitting on the floor of my room, staring at the ceiling with it in your hand"

"That's not to bad"

"Should've known better than to think you remembered, god I would've died laughing if I didn't know that it wasn't normal for you, your dumbass was pointing at different texturing on the walls and calling them stars since apparently all stars are fake so it didn't matter"

"Okay, no more drunk Helena talk, I don't remember for a reason, let's no revisit the fact I cried infront of you"

"It was a truly historical moment, wrote it down on the calendar and everything"

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