17- After parties

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Once the drivers had all finished their media everyone headed back to their hospitalities to get ready for tonight.

Practically the entire grid is going out to celebrate the beginning of the year

Alesia- "What are you guys wearing"

Lily- "This" She holds up a black loose dress

"Where are we even going"

Lily- "A club"

"Perfect, I need alcohol, desperately"

Alesia- "Maybe then you'll find a guy to go home with!"

"I actually hate you"

Alesia- "It's mutual"

Lily- "How many people are going?"

"I feel like we should be asking you that"

Alesia- "I know that Max, Charles, Carlos, Lewis, George, Lando, Fernando, Yuki, Daniel, Pierre, and Alex, are going"

"Any girlfriends?"

Lily- "Oh I know this one! It's us, Isa, and Carly, don't worry next time you'll be able to meet Carmen, and Kika" I was really hoping she was going to say Carly couldn't make it

"Who's girlfriends are those?"

Lily- "George and Carmen, Pierre and Kika"


We've all made it to the club surprisingly, everyone has probably had one or two drinks so far

Carly is sitting alone at the bar, slouching in her seat glaring at Charles while he talks with Pierre, Max, and Carlos

Alesia- "Come dance with me!" She yells over the music

I agree allowing her to pull me through the crowd onto the dance floor

We danced for what felt like hours, Lando was up djing so we stayed longer to enjoy the music until we physically needed a break

Before I can get of the dance floor I see Pierre approach me

"What are you doing here?"

"What?" I'm confused

"He's over you, let him be happy" fuck did that sentence hurt

"I don't know what you're talking about Gasly" My expression is cold, forbidding myself from giving away the painful emotions his words endured on me

"Yes you do, he has Carly, he doesn't need a distraction"

I don't answer, getting away before he sees the water building up in my eyes

I contain my emotions, reprimanding myself for my disgraceful behavior I decide I need a drink, walking up to the bar, I try to get the bartenders attention although am failing

"Need help?" A deep voice asks from behind me

I'm about to say no when I turn around finding max, "Sure" I laugh

All it takes for Max to get the guys attention is a simple nod, the guy quickly walking over to assist him

"Water, please"

Max- "Water?! We're partying Helena!"

"I know I just need a break"

Max- "Okay, two waters"

"Congratulations on your win today"

Max- "Thanks, tough race"

"Yeah, i'm trying to understand everything to the best of my abilities"

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