3- Pro Chef

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We're now both laying down on the large towel he brought with us.

"Okay that's totally an alligator"

"It's a fish"

"Are we even looking at the same thing?"

"No one knows"

"I'm talking about that one" I point slightly to my left, Charles moves closer, grabbing my arm he gently moves it straight above us

"And i'm talking about that one"

"Okay, that is not a fish, are you on something?"

"Alright Helena, no more cloud whatever we're doing is called"

"What would you like to do"


"Where were you born?"

"Starting strong I see, now that's borderline pushing the rules but i'm from Monaco"

"So you're monegasque not french"

"Since we're doing deeper topics, where are you from?"

"Ready for this one?" I can't help but laugh at the stupidity of the fact to us, this is 'pushing it'


"What's your last name?"

He stays quiet for a moment, as if contemplating whether he should tell me, "Leclerc"

"Charles Leclerc, I like that"

"Oh yeah?" His dimples show as he smiles looking up at the sky, not noticing me looking at him
"Now you should tell me your last name"


"Helena Petrovic, I like that"

"Thank god, can't really change it"
"Okay my turn, what's the 16 on the side of your car for?"

"Just my favorite number"
"What's your favorite number"

"I can't pick one but I like 3,11,and 13"

"Are you indecisive with everything?"

"No, but I know I can't choose a favorite movie, song, place, flower, there's just to many to pick"

"Is there any that you highly dislike?"

"I hate sprinkles, and that American cookie that everyone loves, Oreos, I don't like roses, I think they're overused and it's dumb to claim that something so little as a flower can represent and correspond with something so important and intricate like love"

"So you can't pick favorites but you think strongly on your least favorites?"

"Do you have favorites?"

"I like Money Heist, I like Coldplay, i'm not really sure, I like a lot of things too"
"Did you play sports when you were younger?"

"Yeah, I was a skier" and a tennis player

"Seriously? That's so cool"

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