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it was a couple hours later after we got sent to our tubes for what we did. i mean i don't think it was wrong of us. i mean we've never seen the real world, we never get to go outside.

Bree was sitting on the desk as i was leaning on it and Adam was sitting on a stool. "so do all fuzzy animals have girls inside them, or just the dingoes?" Adam asked. it's another one of his dumb questions. sometimes i don't know how i put up with him, but i do.

i didn't answer his question and just started a new conversation. "if mr davenports such a great scientist, then how come i'm not a little stronger and you're not a lot smarter?" i said turning my head quickly at Adam letting him know i meant him.

Adam had a confused look on his face as he was messing with his gloves. "i don't know..but does this hurt?" Adam said as he hit me. he hits me very frequently. he gets on my nerves. a lot.

Bree just looked like she was deciding on what to say. finally she spoke up before i had to ask. "how i'm never gonna have a boyfriend. guess i'll just keep fake kissing that wall." Bree pointed out. Adam and I gave her a weird look as she realized what she said. "oh, we've all done it!" she exclaimed trying to stop Adam from looking at her weird.

Leo and Cadence casually walked in to my surprise. i smiled at Cadence as i quickly wiped the smile off of my face. "Cadence, Leo, what are you doing here? you're not allowed to be done here!" i said trying to get them to leave before they get in trouble.

"oh, we know." cadence smirked at me as it flustered me. i don't know what it was, but it was a new feeling that i've never felt before. it'll probably pass before i know it.

"you know that part everyone at schools been talking about?" Leo asked us. i had a confused look on my face as Bree jumped off of the desk and Adam well he's being Adam.

"it's in your living room!" Leo and Cadence yelled. everyone was dancing, drinking sodas, and eating food.

Cadence was dancing on the couch as Leo was dancing on the table. Adam was next to me dancing and Bree was to my left.

"do the Leo! do the Leo! Do the Leo! do the leo!" Leo exclaimed as Cadence started saying it too. "now just the sexy people! keep dancing Cadence!" Leo yelled at her when she stopped dancing.

Leo and Cadence jumped down from where they were and came over closer to where Adam, Bree, and I were.

"whoo!" Adam clapped and smacked Leo's back a few times. "Leo, Cadence, i can't believe you two did this!" i exclaimed smiling really wide.

"yeah. i owed you guys, and since you go to, i brought the party here. Cadence wanted to help. cheese curl?" Leo said as i grabbed one and ate it grabbing a few more after that.

"what about your mom and davenport?" Adam asked Leo and Cadence.

"oh, Leo said they'd be gone for hours." Cadence said pointing at Leo. "Jimmy, get your head out of here, it's a microwave." Leo said calling the kid whose name was jimmy out.

Me and Adam went over to where the snacks and drinks were getting a drink. "woah there buddy, that piece of cake has approximately 47 grams of sugar." i said telling Adam before he picked a piece up. "if you eat it, you'll be bouncing off the wall for hours." i said.

"how do you know that?" Adam asked me with concern and confused evident on his face. "cause i just had 12 pieces!" i yelled and started stuffing my face with more cake, Adam doing the same.

i ran over to Cadence with Adam behind me and we all started dancing on the couch.

"whoo-hoo!" Adam shouted as Cadence was laughing at how me and Adam were acting.

davenport and tasha walked in the house just now making me, Cadence, Adam, Leo, and Bree stop where we were.

"WHAT THE-" mr davenport said as Leo honked before he could get the next word in. "hey, you're back!" Leo exclaimed. "how did these people get here?!" Leo acted dumb as he started standing next to mr davenport and dragged along Cadence.

"you are in big trouble mister. you too cadence." tasha told the two as cadence looked down at her feet. "mom, big D, it wasn't her fault it was mine. again. it was my idea to do this and she tried to stop me." Leo lied to try to get her out of trouble.

"hey, everyone! thank for coming. GET OUT!!!" mr davenport yelled as everyone cleared out of the house. "you kids have done it this time. and who gave eddy cake?!" mr davenport exclaimed. Adam sheepishly raised his hand.

"look, i just wanted them to have one more night of fun before you put them back in their display cases." Leo said taking the hat he had on his head off. "biologically regulated atmospheric chamber." mr davenport scolded.

"you know what? i'm out. ill be in my room if you need me." Cadence seethed at mr davenport. "hey, get back here!" mr davenport yelled.

"you're not my dad!" she yelled and stormed off to what i was guessing her room.

"now the fund over. as of tomorrow you're all being relocated permanently." mr davenport said and walked off.

"what?" we all said at the same time. "aw man. Cadence was gonna get me ice cream." Adam complained.

"she was going to help me with a prom date." Bree pouted.

"we were going to play chess." i said as they groaned at what i said.

"i'll tell you everything about where you're going tomorrow." mr davenport said.

we said goodbye to leo and told him to tell cadence. after that it was goodbye.

"i can't believe this is our last night in the lab." Bree said brushing her hair. "i think Leo and Cadence are really gonna miss us." i said looking down at Adams leg as Leo hung onto him sleeping. i then looked down at my own and saw Cadence sound asleep. i got one of my blankets and covered her up.

"yeah, me too." Adam said looking down at his own leg then mine. "think we should wake them up?" Adam asked.

"no, let them sleep." Bree smiled. "but leo's drooling on my socks." Adam groaned at the fact that leo was drooling and looked up.

we then closed our capsules and went to sleep knowing that this would be our last night in the lab.

is that what they think? that their last night is in the lab? well if you haven't watched lab rats i'm not going to spoil anything. i would advise you to watch the show before you read this book.

i did chases POV just to see what it would be like for him. i'm going to try and do Adams and Brees sometime and Leo's as well.

have a great night or day!

xo xo xo xo


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