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leo was looking up to one of the football players as the player looked down on him. "this doesn't seem fair." leo shook his head at us. "seems fair to me." perry said. "let's get it on!" she blew the whistle and everyone started cheering.

"alright guys, let's huddle." leo said moving back as i walked with him.

"excuse me?"


"i huddled before i got here."

"oh man, you guys don't know how to play football." leo said. i sighed and looked down at the cleats i had to wear.

"okay, guys, all we need to do is get to the other end of the end zone to score. we need to stop that team from scoring." i told adam, bree, spike, and leo. "don't worry, little lady. i got this covered." spike flirted as i blushed and looked away.

"hike!" i heard trent yell as he threw the football to one of the players and made a touchdown. leo then started screaming as he got tackled by one of the other players.

"touchdown." leo said laying on the floor. i helped him up off the floor. "thanks cadence." he smiled.

"no problem." i smiled back at him.

leo walked adam away from spike, bree, and i. "alright, adam. you squat down right here, and when i say 'hike' you're gonna pass the ball between your legs to my hands which will be right here." leo said. he showed adam what to do, adam only stood there confused.

"whoa! hey, it's football. it's not handsball." adam said. this made me laugh a little of the way he worded it.



the other team said as they got out of their huddle.

"hey, nuggethead."spike said strolling up in front of leo. "quit sucking air and hike him the ball like this." spike said as leo said 'hike' and threw him the ball.

leo then got the ball and two football players grabbed leo and ran to their end zone making leo score a point for them. "hey!" leo screamed out.

"leo!" i yelled. "hey! that's cheating!" i yelled out at the football players but they only laughed.

"safety! two points!" trent said boasting.

we were back in our huddle as spike started talking. "losing makes me wanna rip out my own intestines and wear em as a sweat band." he said making me disgusted.

"okay..." i said side eyeing the other team that was across the dog park from us. "the only way we're gonna win is if we use your super speed." i looked at bree. "your super strength." i pointed at adam. "and your...super nutty split personality." i said pointing at spike. he cheered quietly as a smile tugged at my lips.

"i'll do whatever it takes." bree said as she put her hands on her knees. "i already smell like a sweaty ape. i don't want this to be for nothing." she shook her head as she smelled herself.

"here's what we're gonna do." leo started. we huddled around as the other team said break so we had to as well.

bree went on the side lines and started doing cheers. "yeah! go team! whoo! see? i can be a cheerleader and a football player. i'm that good." she pointed out.

adam got ready into position as leo stood up. "hey. is that a biggie burger truck pulling up?" leo pointed across the dog park as the football players got distracted and bree super sped and tied all the football players shoes together. "guess not." he said and got back into position. "hike!" he yelled and adam gave him the ball.

"hey! how'd our shoes get tied together?" trent said moving clumsily with the others.

leo gave spike the ball and he ran past the players and knocked them over as he scored. "touchdown!" i yelled. i hugged spike around his waist as he hugged me around my neck.

"whoo! yeah! whoo!" adam started doing cheers as everyone gave him a look. "well if bree can be s cheerleader, i can too!" he said. he started cheering again and me and bree joined in. spike folded his arms as leo started cheering with us.

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