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ADAM AND I WERE IN OUR CHEER UNIFORMS GETTING READY TO GO INTO THE GYM FOR THE 1v1 BASKETBALL GAME. leo was going against trent and not to be thinking negatively about the whole thing—we all knew who was going to win.

"ready! okay!" we're going to call her stacy since she sounds and looks like one.

adam started saying other chants as the girls and i were about to do the right chant and moves. "two, four, six, seven, who do we appreciate?!" he crossed his arms over his chest.

"that was great, adam." stacy gave him a fake smile. i hated how she treated her little 'minions'. she's treating adam the same way. "my favorite part was when you stopped talking." okay, now she was just being straight up mean.

"aw." adam smiled and looked back at me, giving me a thumbs up.

"now get ready. we're about to perform at the hoop-a palooza, and i don't need to tell you how important this is." adam gave her a blank stare. "this is important."

he nodded his head, "got it." he was about to walk more until he stopped. i walked over to him and saw that he was looking at bree.

"you thinking what i'm thinking adam?" i asked him as it seemed to occur that we were thinking of the same thing.

"oh, yeah." he smiled. he walked over to stacy and tapped her on the back. "hey, i know nicole and i took the last spot on the squad," nicole was your middle name. "but do you think you could make room for my sister bree? i think she's kinda make at nikki and i." adam and i had guilty looks on our faces.

"yeah, not gonna happen. if we let her join, she won't feel the true sting of rejection. and i generously try to give everyone that experience." stacy said. "girls, come look at this. ew. she looks like my pet pug when i paint her paw nails against her will.

"hey, stop talking about my sister that like." adam defended bree.

"uhm, i'm cheer captain. i talk, you listen."

"no, when it comes to defending my sister or nikki, which you've treated her like trash this whole time not even recognizing her for who she really is, then i'm gonna talk all i want. in fact, i quit the squad." he threw his pom poms down and held out his hand for me to take.

"maybe your afraid because you know she's better than you and this little stupid squad of fake girls." i scoffed, taking adams hand in mine, throwing down my pom poms as well. "i quit, too. you lost two good additions to the team, girls." i said.

the girl in the neck brace tried to pick up our pom poms but adam came running back over to them. "hey! back off, neck brace! those babies are mine!" he grabbed our pom poms and handed me mine to take.

we walked over to bree and sat down next to her. we got over to bree and set down our pom poms. adam set on the right as i sat on the left of bree.

"shouldn't you be off somewhere juggling airheads?" it was more directed to adam but i could tell she was also mad at me.

"yeah," adam agreed. "but we quit the squad." adam admitted.

bree looked at the both of us, confused. "what? why?" she asked us.

"i can't say why becuase it will hurt your feelings. that they were making fun of you." adam sighed.

"wait, you two quit the squad because they were making fun of me?" bree asked still confused.

"i just told you i can't say that."

"adam, cadence. we have moved that are way better than anything they have." bree turned to me. "we should just do our own cheer!" she suggested to us.

"that's a great idea!" i said in awe. it was a really good idea.

"oh, good idea! we'll see how they like it when we hit em with the turbo booty shake!" he started to move his bottom around, making bree and i embarrassed.

i saw chase run in with a scared look on his face. same as leo's. i was confused on what they were up to but i was going to figure it out soon.

chase saw me looking at him and gave me a sly wink which made me blush. apparently bree saw and nudged my shoulder with her arm, moving her eyebrows up and down.

"shut up." i smiled.

Our Love Story // Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now