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BREE AND I GOT MOVED TO THE BACK OF THE LINE SINCE WE BACK TALKED PRINCIPAL PERRY. this sucks. she has no right to go through peoples stuff.

i leaned over to bree, "how about we just use our super speed to go over to adam, leo and chase?" she looked at me.

"that's a great idea!" we used our super speed and we were by the trio in less than a second.

everyone looked around including principal perry, "where'd that breeze come from?" she looked around in confusion. "are you blowing on me?" she accused a kid, pointing a finger at him.

leo screamed when i sped next to him, "i am not going to get used to that!" leo told us.

"morning, boys." i smiled at chase who gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush.

"seriously, can we put a bell on those two?" he asked as if bree and i weren't there.

"yeah, you gotta chill on the super agility. especially you, nikki." chase scolded me as if i was a child who just stole something. "somebody's going to see you two using your bionics." he informed us.

"and has anyone ever seen us using them, chase?" i defended the both of us. "i mean, you didn't see bree swipe your lunch money." bree held it out as he felt his pockets for his money.

he stopped, looking at the both of us, "oh, you're good!" he looked at me with puppy dog eyes so i could give him his money back.

i gave in, "alright, bree. give him his money back." i sighed when chase had a victory grin on his face.

he tried to get his money back but she snatched it away so he couldn't get to it. perry walked up to the both of us, "hey, you! how'd you get past my checkpoint?" she asked us.

"uhm..that wasn't us. that was some other people that looks like us." i defended.

chase walked in front of me so that she couldn't get a good view of me, "must've been somebody else." chase defended us.

adam put his arm on my shoulder, "yeah, somebody who can't climb ceilings." he leaned down whispering in our ears, "saved it!" he said in a sing song voice.

"you four have an answer for everything, don't you?" perry asked us.

chase spoke up, "i don't like to brag, but the answer to that is yes." he smirked in her face.

perry scoffed, "there's one thing i pride myself on..." she paused.

"your incredibly sturdy calves?"

"no!" she defended, "my instincts! and my instincts are telling me that you four are trouble!" she pointed accusingly at the four of us.

adam stood up for us, "well, i don't like your instincts at all, and you can tell 'em i said that." he told perry.

"i can't put my finger on it, but ever since you arrived, strange things have been happening around here. and it only started up with second dooley over here this year." perry pointed a finger at me. "and the only strange thing i'll tolerate in the janitor." she pointed over at the janitor. "i have to, he's my cousin." she sounded disgusted.

"who are they?" leo asked as people with ladders walked in.

"air conditioning repairmen. they're here to check on the strange winds that have been blowing around here for months."

chase and adam turned to bree and i, "she's talking about you two!" he said accusingly.

"really?" i scoffed, "you're gonna blame your own girlfriend? way to go, chase, way to go." j crossed my arms over my chest, being hard headed.

chase put his arms out, "come on, baby. you've gotta understand. i don't want you or bree getting caught!" he whisper shouted at me.

"don't you whisper shout at me!" i pointed a finger at him, scolding him and his ways.

i walked off before chase could say anything else.

"you better apologize to her and fast."

Our Love Story // Chase DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now