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When we got to the space ship or whatever you call it. I don't really care anymore at this point. I just want to get this mission done and go home.

We all ran in with adam in front, chase behind him and bree and i behind chase since the both of us were small enough to fit through the double doors together.

"greetings space people. we come in peace from a planet called earth." adam started to talk to the people who were here. clearly he thought they were marshins or something,

i gave bree a look as she sighed, "Adam, their from earth, too." she gave him a look as he looked back at her. "no, no. that's what they want you to think, but you see her over there?" adam pointed at the girl with red glasses on. "she's about to pull her head off and become queen of the alien-squid people." he started to put his hands out as he started to say 'wait for it.' slowly.

all of the people next to her started to slowly move. i put my hand around adam's bicep. "adam! nothings going to happen! she's human, just like us." i told him as i gave him a look,

"that's what they want you to think cadence-" i cut him off as i started to walk over to the people in space suits.

"sorry we're late." chase laughed, "the milky way is bare this time a night." he said to them:

"alright people your safe now. single file to the back of the shuttle. oooh, and your inflight movie is me and cadence." she pointed over to where i was standing, holding chases hand.

i get nervous on missions, so i resort in holding chases hand when im able. he gives my hand a squeeze twice and kisses me on the side of the head. i love how affectionate chase can be towards me.

adam put his hands out again as the lady was the last one to walk out of the space shuttle. "wait for it..." he told us.

this was going to be a long mission. i could already tell that it was going to be.


guys i know this one was short but i am just now getting back into writing so im trying to take it slow and im trying to see how much of chases and cadence's relationship i put into in the beginning.

i think i made them date at a very early point in the book but i hope that was alright with you guys.

i hope yall liked this chapter even though it wasnt very eventful and had one sweet moment with chase but at least that was still cute. i'm going to try to make a chase and cadence chapter after this mission is over with so they can have some alone time and work on their relationship.

i hope you guys have a great night or day. i love yall!!!

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