Season Four: The Dark Moon

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Warning: Important Author's Note at the end. Please read.


I walk stray from my two friends as I go to one of the little shops on the side of the road.

My hair is pulled back in a high ponytail. I decided to ditch my leather jacket due to the high temperature so I'm only wearing a tank top and short shorts. As for shoes, I decided to twin with Lydia and wear the boots I got with her a while back.

I walk into another shop and look at all the lovely clothing. Cute top after cute top. I should move to Mexico. When I reach the register, I place my three tops, one dress, and sunglasses on the counter.

I walk out, bags in hand. I than spot the familiar blue jeep that's empty. I begin to move towards it when a voice calls,


I turn and see Scott walking towards me.

"You were supposed to go with Stiles and Lydia." He continued.

"They would've known I'm a werewolf right of the bat. Wow, I still can't get used to saying that." I reply, putting the bags in the jeep.

"So you went shopping!?" Scott exclaims.

"Nothing better to do."

"Than come with me. You're already supposed to be in there."

"Fine." I say. Grabbing my leather jacket.

So I lied, sue me.


Scott and I walk into the hidden club, me not particularly happy. I wanted to shop some more. Maybe buy momma a birthday present.

Scott makes me go socialize in order to blend in, while he goes do his job. I walk into the sea of bodies when a guy comes over to me and begins dancing around me.

Humoring him, I dance with him, trying to blend in. I mean, I'm Mexican so these are my people.

I spot Malia and Kira dancing together. They're suddenly cornered and attacked.

I leave my dance partner Hernandez. Or was it Fred? You know what, I'll just call him Manny.

I see a guy come out with a gun pointed but I ram him into a pole. He moves to get up but Scotty comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the neck, throwing him into a wall.

"McCall twin power!" I exclaim.

Scott shoots me a smile than a concerned look to Kira who nods back.


We follow Scott out of the secret club and into a hallway, we go through another doorway and enter yet another hallway. Yup, my life has come to this. Doors and hallways.

Scott looks at Kira, than Malia, than me, than behind us. Moving his gaze back to in front of him, white smoke appears and creeps it's way towards us. Scott motions for us to stop as he gets a little closer.

It suddenly shoots from above and that's when I get a whiff of it. Wolfsbane. Man, I hate this stuff.

"Wolfsbane!" I yell. "It's wolfsbane!"

"Kira! Get out of here!" Scott yells.

Aw, he's so in love.

I hold onto the wall for support as Scott crouches on the ground, treating the wolfsbane like smoke.

"Kira look out!" He yells. "Look out."

Through my vision I see Kira get knocked to the ground. Scott, and Malia on the floor while I'm still holding myself up by the wall.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now