Season Three: Motel California

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I reach the loft and turn the car off. I open the back door and basically drag Derek out. I pull him inside and we take the elevator up.

We reach the loft door and Derek leans even more on my shoulder. I am so happy he's conscious right now. Otherwise, things would've been a lot harder.

I slide open the door and walk slowly into the loft.

"D, you're not healing. I should take you to a hospital." I say, scared for his life.

"No, no hospital." He breathes out.

"What about my mom? She's a nurse."

"No. Just help me-" he than loses his weight and stops holding himself .

Not being able to hold the dead weight, I accidentally drop him. I may be a werewolf but he's still heavy. You know, muscly and all.

"Oops." I say. "Come on Mister."

I take a deep breath and gather enough strength to pick him up again. I drag him to his bed and lay him across it. From there, I begin to lift up his shirt, revealing numerous claw marks. Derek's breathing is really heavy.

"How bad?" He manages to ask in a whisper.

"Der, it looks like you we're hit by a train, not in a fight with an Alpha...And you're bleeding black blood."

He doesn't respond. I look at his face and his eyes close shut.


His heart continues to beat but his breathing is quiet. I place my head on his chest and relax for the first time once I hear his faint but steady heartbeat.

I stay like that for a few minutes than sit up. I extend my claws and rip the remains of Derek's shirt off of him. I than call the others.

I call Scott first bit there's no answer so I leave a voicemail telling him that Derek's alive. I call Stiles and the same thing happens. Same with Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Boyd, even Cora and Peter. No one answers.

Sighing, I give up and wait for Derek to awake.


I'm pacing around the room, waiting for Derek to wake. Every minute or so, I stop to listen it his hear to make sure he's breathing.

I soon hear heavy beating and turn to see Derek sitting up, trying to stand.

"You really don't want to do that Mister." I say.

He quickly gives up and settles for sitting.

"I have to tell the others-" I cut him off.

"I've called everyone. No one answered so I left voicemails......Do you have any idea how bad you look? You're like one giant open wound.

I'm not entirely sure that you're not really dead and I'm dreaming. And if I am dreaming the universe must hate me cause this is a cruel and unusual punishment if you're really dead."

Derek looks down. Sighing, I walk over to him and kneel in front of him.

"How can we fix you up?" I ask.

"Time......You shouldn't be here T." Derek says.

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm always going to hold you back. No matter what, I'm never going to be good enough for you. I'll end up hurting you. I push people away for their own benefit. I want you. But you'll only get hurt if I have you."

"Why don't you let yourself be happy?" I exclaim.

"Because I don't deserve it." He says quietly.

My heart breaks at those words. I gentle take Derek's right hand and place it over my heart.

"You feel that? As long as it's beating, I'm gonna love you. I'm gonna care about you. You can push me away, build up these walls around you. It's what you do. You've been hurt before and you can't let that happen agian.

So once someone shows how they care about you, you deny it. You don't accept it. But you deserve to be happy. Don't punish yourself for what happened in the past.

I tell you this Derek Hale. I'm not going anywhere. I will fight and fight for us until you finally-"

I'm cut off be Derek placing his lips on mine. I immediately respond feeling his lips on mine in so long make me feel whole again.

Derek soon pulls away, out of breath.

"You talk to much." He whispers.

"Shut up and kiss me." As cliche as it sounds.

He does so and I crawl on top of him, pushing him down onto the bed. He pulls away and I begin to trail kisses down his tattered body. Kissing around each wound.

He flips us over so he's on top, reclaiming my lips once more. It's slow, passionate, and perfect. He pulls away and whispers against my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper back.


I wake up and see Derek sitting on the edge of the bed, still not healed. He turns his head, knowing I'm awake.

I place a hand on his neck and he places one on the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss. Once we pull away, I realized he's healed.

"So I can't heal you during sex, but I can when you kiss me?" I ask.

Derek chuckles. "Way to ruin the moment."

"Better I than you."

"Did you just use my own words against me?"


He smiles. He than climbs back under the sheet and lies in the bed. I follow and he wraps his arms protectively around me. I place my head in the crook of his neck and place my hands on top of his larger ones. He kisses the top of me head.

"This doesn't change anything though." I say. "I still need time."

"I get it." He says. "It's the least I can give you. And you can stop calling me Derek Hale."

"How does Mister Creepy Stalker sound?"

"That's how it all started, isn't it?"

"Yup. And you wouldn't let me drive the sexy Camero. But it's fate. Cause it's my car now. Thank you, by the way."

"You're welcome...Sleeping Beauty."

"That's an old one...Yoda-Wolf."

"Ya but you have a lot more for me, Beautiful."

"I do. But you're no longer Dick."


"But your back to Douche."

"As long as Peter's back to Dick."

"Oh, he is."

Derek laughs.

"I love you." I tell him. "We're going to end up together."

"Always and forever." He adds.



Here ya go!

I changed this episode so much. There was like, three versions.

29 days until Teen Wolf.

Can't Go Back

Hope you liked it!


A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now