Season Two: Ice Pick

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Currently, I'm in gym class. Scott and Allison are climbing the rock wall, flirting. They can't make it any more obvious that they're still dating. Speaking of retaliationships, I haven't seen Derek since, ya know.

I'm not apologizing because he's the one that left. He's probably not apologizing because he doesn't think he did anything wrong. Therefore, we're both stubborn and this fight is in a deadlock.

Anyways, I see Allison kick Scott and he falls onto the mat, causing everyone to laugh.

"Alright, next two!" Coach yells. "Stilinski! Erika! Let's go. The wall."

They both begin to climb up. By the time Stiles is done, Erika is only half way up. I begin to hear heavy breathing and little cries. This isn't good.

"Erika," coach says. "Dizzy? Is it Vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the dense tubular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia says.


"I'm fine!" She says.

"Coach maybe it's not safe." Allison suggests.

"You know she's epileptic," I finish.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?" Coach asks. "Erika you're, you're fine. Just, just kick off the wall. There's a mat to catch you."

She slowly lets go and reaches the ground.

"See you're okay on the ground. Let's go, shake it off." Coach soothes.

People start laughing so I speak up.

"The next guy that laughs will get there balls ripped off by Scotty. The next girl, well let's just say high school won't be a fun experience for you."

That made people shut up.


While changing, I feel my hand begin to shake. I look around the locker room and don't see Erika. I run out into the gym and see Scott catch her as she falls from the rock wall, no harness. She starts having a seizure so I say,

"Put her on her side. Put her on her side."

He listens.

Allison than asks, "How'd you guys know."

"I felt it." Both Scott and I say.


Next period, Scott and I are eating lunch. Suddenly, Stiles comes over with keys in his hand. I'm guessing they're for their double date.

"Pick you up after work today or I'll meet you at the rink, is that cool?" Stiles asks.

Scott doesn't respond. He's too focused on something, or rather someone. I turn to the entry way of the caf and see someone who looks like Erika, only sluttier. Only explanation- Derek. I feel anger fill me and my claws extend without notice but I detract them.

"What the holy hell is that?" Lydia asks.

"It's Erika," Scott says.

Scott, Stiles and I follow her. She goes outside and gets into a familiar sexy black Camero. Driving is.........the one and only Alpha Douche. He flashes us a cocky smile than drives off, not showing any remorse towards me about the other night.

Some boyfriend he is.


Later that night, I'm sitting alone watching Superntaural, eating yes, coffee Oreo ice cream. I hear someone come and stand behind me but I don't turn to see who it is.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now