Season One: Magic Bullet

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I woke up, hearing a loud bang throughout the town followed by a howl. I feel a stinging in my arm but it's quickly resided. Grabbing my shoes, I head to where the noise came from.


It lead me to the iron-works and from there, I sense a women and a familiar presence. They're talking so I listen in.

"That's the brother I love." The feminine voice says. "There was two of them."

"The Alpha?" I hear the familiar voice of Argent ask.

"I don't know but one of them tried to kill me."

"One of them is gonna lead us to the alpha and he can't do that if he's dead."

"Well I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first."

"How long will it take?"

"I give him 48 hours. If that."

She then walks away. Great, another Argent. Life is good.


School's passing by in a blur. I'm roaming the halls cause I have a free period. I then hear talking.

"Where's Scott or Tessa McCall?"

"Why should I tell you?" Jackson?

"Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once." Derek?

"Okay tough guy. Ya know, how bout I help you find them if you tell me whatever it is that your selling him. What is it? Is it Dynabol? HGH?"

"Steroids." Derek scoffs.

"No, Girl Scout cookies. What the hell did you think I was talking about. Oh and a by the way, whatever it is you're selling, I'd probably stop sampling your merchandise you look wrecked."

I've had enough so I turn the corner and became faced with seeing an 'intimidating' Jackson and a very pale Derek.

"Derek." I say softly.

He looks up at me and relief floods his eyes. I gently grab his right arm and lead him away from Jackson.

"No, we're not done here." Jackson says forcefully grabbing my upper arm and yanking me back. Derek then grabs Jackson by the neck and shoves him into the lockers. He then grabs my hand and pulls me away.

"Derek, are you okay?" I ask once he's leaning against a wall with an arm around my shoulder.

"I-I was shot." He says.

"Oh my gosh."

"Shh, we have to find Scott."

I listen and also begin focusing on the noises around the school. I feel like I'm close but the bell rings, causing Derek and I to grab our ears and groan. Derek lets out an agitated sigh.

"Let's go." I say.

I lead us out and into the parking lot. We stop in the middle, just in time for Stiles' jeep to come to a sudden stop. I guess Derek thought this was an excellent time to fall because his legs gave out and he took me down with him.

"Come on Mister." I say, sitting him up and allowing him to lean on my left side, having my arm around his waist.

Scott then comes running over and says,

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was shot." Derek says.

"He's not looking so good dude." Stiles adds in.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now