Season Three: Letharia Vulpina

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Derek, Scott, and I run down the stairs as fast as we can. We see Kira and run towards her but Derek holds out his arms, stopping us.

I follow his gaze to the ground. Electrified water floods it. We see Kira standing before the broken wire. She reaches out to grab it and caps the sparks with her hand, ceasing the flow of electricity.

Her eyes glow an amber color. My eyes leave her and fall to my left. On the ground, I see and unmoving Isaac. I immediately grab Derek's hand and lead him over there.

"Isaac." I say as we reach him.

Derek places his fingers on Isaac's pulse and says,

"He's not breathing!"

"Scott! He's not breathing!" I yell over to my twin.

Like I said, tonight got worse.


I lie in bed, my back against something warm. I feel Derek's even exhales on my neck, signaling he's still asleep.

I think back to that night. Isaac not healing and barely being alive. Kira's moms taking her home. Stiles missing. Derek telling Scott that he has to tell Sheriff S what's wrong with Stiles.

Two days. Stiles has been missing for two days.

I just can't believe my best friend is possessed by a nogitsune. Stiles, of all people.

"I know you're awake now." I say aloud.

"I know." Derek says groggily. "I just wanted to lay with you longer."

I smile than untangle myself from his arms. I get out of bed and look in the mirror. My hair's a mess and there's bags under my eyes.

I watch in the mirror as a shirtless Derek comes up from behind and wraps his arms around me. I lean into his embrace.

"Want me to bring you to school, Beautiful?" Derek asks.


"Okay. Let's get ready than."


Twenty minutes later and the both of us are walking downstairs. My mom knows Derek stayed the night and was completely fine with it.

We walk into the kitchen and Derek begins to make coffee as I get two bowls and spoons for cereal. I place them on the table than grab the milk and Reece's Puffs. Derek places coffee in front of me and I mutter a thanks.

We begin to eat than I starts to laugh a little.

"What?" Derek asks, mouth full of food.

"If I didn't know us, I'd say our relationship was normal." I states.

Derek chuckles in response.

We eat in silence than mom walks in muttering a 'morning'. She gets a cup of coffee than sits in her normal spot. Just as I'm about to speak, Scott beats me to it.

"Any news?" He asks.

"They're still looking for him. Past the forty-eight hour mark but I can guess if anyone's going to be missing for two days and turn up fine, it's Stiles."

"What about Isaac?" I ask.

"I was think we should go by the hospital before school."

I look at Derek and he nods, saying I can go. I get up and kiss him on the cheek. I place my cup and bowl in the sink than turn to mom.

"Let's go."


The elevator stops on the correct floor and we get out. I immediately spot a sleeping Allison in a chair. Scott touches her shoulder, waking her instantly.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now