Season Three: Frayed

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Have you ever been filled with so much emotion that you completely shut down? You don't eat, sleep, talk. Everyone and everything around you keeps moving but you feel as if you have nowhere to go.

That, every thought, every dream, every 'what if', that you once had just disappeared in a flash before you eyes. That everything that ever mattered to you, was important to you, or was just something that held a special meaning to you, was gone.

That words cannot describe how you feel. That happiness, is out of the picture. That sadness, is too little. That anger, is too small. That grief, grief cannot even describe this kind of emotion.

This emotion feels as if half of you is gone. Literally. That your good half, better half, the half that made you happy, is dead.

And the most frightening thing about it is that you had no control over it happening.

That's how I feel right now.


Two days earlier


Boyd, Cora, Peter, Derek, and I are all at Derek's loft. We're making a plan to attack the Alpha Pack.

The door suddenly opens.

"I know where they are." I hear Scotty say.

"Same building as the Argents," Derek, who is to my right, replies.

"We know." I say.

"Cora and I followed the twins." Boyd reveals.

"Than they want you to know." Scott points out.

"Or more likely they don't care." Peter says.

"What is this?" Scott asks as he walks up to the table with our plan on it.

"Isn't it obvious?" Peter asks. "The schemers are scheming. Coming up with a premeditated strike."

"You're going after them?" Scott asks Derek.

"Tomorrow." Alpha Dick replies. "You're gonna help us."

"They're one floor above them in the penthouse." I say. "Right above Allison."

"So you kill them first...That's the plan?" Scott skeptically asks.

"They won't even see it coming."

"Why is the default plan always murder?-"

"Cause once you kill someone, they're gone. Forever. Problem solved." I answer.

"Problem not solved! Just once, can someone try to come up with something that doesn't involve killing everyone?"

"Never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?" Peter says. "Not that I disagree with him."

"I do," Cora speaks up. "Why do we need this kid?"

Kid? I bet Scotty's older than her. Okay, maybe not. But I like Twinny better.

"This kid." Derek informs. "Helped save your life. And you know we can't just sit back and wait for them to make the first move."

"We can't beat a pack of Alphas." Scott says.

"Way to have faith in us Bro." I chime in.

"That's why we're going after Deucalion." Cora says. "Just him."

"Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies." Boyd speaks.

"Only this isn't a snake." Peter speaks up agian. "It's a hydra and like Scott said, they're ll Alphas."

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now