Seaosn One: Second Chance First Line

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I was sitting on the bleachers watching Scott and Stiles' lacrosse practice. Jackson was on defense so I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Scott's on offense and he charges at Jackson only to be knocked down. Coach goes over and talks to him so I listen.

"My grandma can move faster then that and she's dead. Do you think you can move faster then the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother."

That's really nice Coach.

"Yes Coach," Scott replies.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes Coach!"

"Then do it again......McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again."

Scott charged at Jackson and tackles him, only focusing on that. Jackson falls, clutching his shoulder. Scott then goes down. I see Sties run up to Scott and drag him away into the boys locker room. I grab my bag and get off the bleachers. I turn to go but came face to face, or face to chest, with someone. I look up and see Derek.

"He's losing control," he says.

"Thank you captain obvious. Now, I have to go help. Excuse me."

I begin to walk away but he grabs my hand.

"You can't stop him. You'll lose control too and not be able to come back."

"I can try." Then I walk away.

"Just be careful." I hear him quietly say.

I then make my way to the locker room to see friend spraying Bro with a fire extinguisher.

"Soooo, did I miss anything?" I casually ask.

"Stiles," Twin says. "What happened?"

"You tried to kill me." Stiles bluntly answers. "Like I told you before, it's the anger. It's your pulse rising, it's a trigger."

"But it's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent sport if you haven't realized."

"Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field." I say.

"You can't play Saturday. You have to get out of the game." Stiles tells him.

"But I'm first line."

"Not anymore." Friend and I say in unison.


I drove Scott and I home and I went straight to my room and changed into my pjs. Then, I went downstairs, grabbed coffee Oreo ice cream, my favorite, a spoon, then went to Scott's room. He was sprawled out on his bed so I jumped on him and was sitting on his comfy back, legs crossed. Then, Scott turns around and grabs my spoon, eating some ice cream, then puts it back.

"Hey," I say.

"I'm older."

"I'm older," I mimic.

Then, mama comes in.

"Mammmmaaaa!" I exclaim.

"Hey," she says. "Late shift again for me...but I am taking Saturday off for your first game."

"No mom, you can't," Scott says.

"Why not? I can and I will. Come on, one shift isn't going to break us.......completely. Hey what's wrong with your eyes?"

We both tense as she continues.

"Looks like you haven't slept in days."


A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now