Season Three: Galvanize

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It's mischief night/day. Scott and Stiles are out pranking Coach while I'm sitting on the couch at 12:15 am doing homework and eating potato chips. Classy, I know.

I don't know why you have to find 'x' in math. I don't even know why we have school. I mean, I speak English. Dora can teach me Spanish. I have and iPod for music and a calculator for math.

As for history, we have the Vampire Diaries. Who wouldn't want Klaus, Stefan, and Damon as teachers? Have you seen their faces?

Sighing, I eat a chip and look down at my homework. I'm on problem three of twenty. I'm a big time procrastinator.

I pull myself from those thoughts when I hear a noise coming from upstairs. I slowly take my books off of my lap and place them on the coffee table. I quietly walk upstairs and towards the noise which happens to have been coming from my room.

Why my room? Why not Scott's? Or Rafael's? I open my door and see a figure near my bed. I attack.

Not expecting it, the person loses balance but quickly recovers. The person throws a punch that I grab. I than twist their arm back and go to flip them only for the person to slide my feet out form under me and pins me to the ground.

That's when I catch a certain handsome face.

"Derek!" I exclaim.

"I can still kick your ass." He smirks.

I immediately flip us so I'm on top.

"And I always win."

He smiles up at me, clearly enjoying the position that we're in. Humoring him, I lean down and roughly place my lips on his.

He responds almost instantly and kisses back, just as rough. His hands find themselves placed on my lips and he squeezes them, making my gasp.

Using that moment to slip his tongue in my mouth, I bring my hands up. While I place my left one on his right cheek, my right hand tightly grips his left shoulder.

Our tongues battle for dominance. After a few more seconds, he surrenders and allows me to take over while his hands sneak under my shirt and explore my bare skin.

"Tessa I-" Derek and I immediately pull away. "Oh- I- Sorry." Than we hear my door shut.

I hear a growl leave Derek's chest and I look down at him to see his eyes shut and an unhappy expression on his face.

Giggling at how adorable the expression makes him look, I say,

"I think we just scared Isaac for life."

Opening his eyes to meet my gaze, Derek simply shrugs and says,

"He should've knocked."

I roll my eyes and get off Derek, much to his displeasure. I stand up, him following suit. When he turns to look at me, anger suddenly fills my body.

I slap him. His face goes to one side and he grabs his cheek than turns back to look at me. He is more or less pissed.

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask with sincerity. "I've been calling for the past five days! No answer. What the hell happened?! I feel your pain, remember? I know when something's wrong. Why-"

I'm cut off by his lips being in mine. I kiss back for all of three seconds than pull away only to slap him again.

"What is with you and doing that? Do you like getting slapped?" I ask.

"No, I don't like getting slapped." He calmly says. "It shuts you up. Now, can you please sit down and stay quiet so I can explain what happend."

I sigh. "Okay. Sorry for slapping you."

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now