Season One: Code Breaker

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Derek and I haven't spoken since revealing how we feel about each other. We've just been in a comfortable silence. Baldy is currently punching Derek and has been for a while. I want to say something, ya know, draw his attention away from Derek and to me. I tried that once and Derek wasn't too happy so...

Suddenly, badly turns to me.

"Oh, I know what your boyfriend was doing. I haven't forgotten about you."

Great, I thought.

He goes over to the thing that powers the electricity. He switches the dial to as high as it can go. The thing is, he disconnected Derek's. He turns it on and I howl in horrifying pain. The last thing I hear is Derek shouting before everything goes black.


I wake upon hearing howl from a certain werewolf next to me. My whole body is not fully healed. My body is still shaking a little.

"Derek?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

"Tessa, T? Are you okay?" He quickly asks.

"Shhhh...My head is pounding, my body's shaking, but, I'm alive if that's what you're asking."

He laughs a little. "Never do that again."

"Wasn't planning on it...Is Scotty coming?"

"Ya, just pretend to be asleep."


I bow my head down and baldy comes in again.

"Ready to have some more fun." He asks. "To be honest, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So I brought a little help."

He hold up a baseball bat. Awesome, I thought.

"But I gotta warn you, I used to play in college."

He goes to swing but Derek catches the bat.

"That's hot," I say to myself.

"Brought a little help too." Derek says.

Derek than punches the dude with his right hands, knocking him out.

"That's hotter." I say.

Scott than appears in the door way and slowly comes in.

"Scott, help me with this," Derek says.

"No," Scott replies.

I feel my eyes getting heavy but force myself to stay awake.

"What?" Derek asks.

"Not until you tell me how to stop Peter."

"You wanna talk about this right now?"

"He's going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them.


"So what!?"

See, great minds think alike.

"So tell me how to stop him."

"You can't alright. Now I don't know when Kate is coming back so get me out of this. Get me out right now!"

"Promise you'll help me."

"You want me to risk my life for your girlfriend? Huh? For your stupid, little, teenage crush that means absolutely nothing! You're not in love Scott! You're sixteen years old! You're a child! You're so damn worried about Allison, you didn't even notice Tessa, your sister, over there. How Allison's family almost killed her!"

"Maybe you're right...I know something you don't. Peter said he didn't know what he was doing when he killed your sister right? He lied. Remember this?" He holds up the paper with a deer that has a spiral on the stomach. "This is what brought your sister to Beacon Hills right?"

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now