Chapter One

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I left him.

I never thought in a million years I would be the one to walk, but I was.

I left the man I was in love with, I had no idea where I was even going but I couldn't care less.

I walked out and left him, left him standing there looking like I had slapped him across the face, but

I just couldn't risk it. I couldn't stay and then have him leave me, only have him stay with me for the baby's sake.

Our child.

I was pregnant with his baby, almost eight weeks and it was something that had shocked the hell out of me when I found out, I actually thought I was getting a slight cold, I wasn't even being sick but when I was with Brooke shopping I thought about having kids with Blake, only then did I realise I was late. Very very late.

So I took a test and it came back saying pregnant, that was the morning after I had that awful dinner with my parents and Jenny dropped the bomb about the honeymoon.

This morning was when I had a scan, I wanted to be sure, I didn't want to say I was if I wasn't and then seem like I made it up to trick him into being with me.

The silent hope that he would be excited as well was crushed when he told me we were nowhere near to having a family together.

How can I move on and live my life when I have a part of him growing inside me.

Could he change his mind and want to be with me or still choose to marry her, that woman who had just driven us apart.

I had no idea but what I did know was that I was going to be ok, I had savings and a best friend but at the end of the day there was only one person I wanted.

One person I needed more than anything and he chose her.

Why can't I be first for once, why cant someone realise that I was special and that they wanted to be with me.

I wanted to have that feeling of love and security with me but I didn't, I had nothing right now.

I was driving aimlessly around the city, it was almost near midnight and I was starting get get tired,

Finding myself parked at the bar I walked in, very well aware that I looked a mess with my pjs on and make up smeared but I honestly couldn't care less, I just needed someone familiar and if I wasn't pregnant then I would definitely be drinking.

“Lex?” I kept my head down as I heard Jock call out to me, walking straight past him and into Jessie's office, knocking twice beforehand.

“Alex what are you doing here?” he asked sounding a little surprised.

I looked up and his face changed, he was immediately up from his desk and pulling me into his arms, holding me tightly as I clung to him like a lost child, sobbing my heart out into his chest, it felt good to cry, too damn good in fact.

“I'm pregnant” I choked out into his shirt.

I felt him stiffen slightly before relaxing and holding me even tighter, I sharp intake behind us make me pull apart to see Jock standing there wide eyed and jaw open “pregnant?”

I nodded, “it's yours” I added to give him a slight heart attack.

The only thing to make me stop crying and laugh was when his eyes widened and started to roll back and his face paled completely just before he fainted. Jessie had quickly caught him before his head collided with a wall.

“tell me it's not his” Jessie gave me a stern please don't say yes look.

“no it's not his, I can't believe he fainted” I said through more tears and laughter.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now