Chapter Eleven

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“so your telling me that your going to hire a private investigator and have her followed 24/7 until he finds something?” I repeated what had just been told to me.

“Yes” was Blake's simple reply.

“but aren't they expensive?” I frowned, like really expensive.

“Yes” he replied again “but your worth it, our future is worth it”

I spun around and put the lip gloss back in the draw of the bathroom that was filled with my make up “well then ok”

“your not going to fight me on this?” he lent against the door frame, his arms crossed over showing his flexed biceps.

“nope, it's a good idea babe, do you think they will find something on her?” I asked, I really really hoped they would.

“good so are you sure your ok to do this, I mean we could wait a little longer” he stepped backwards as I walked out of the bathroom.

“I feel ready to do it today, I mean it has to be done and Brody is coming with me since he's my boyfriend” I smirked and made little air quotes when I said boyfriend.

I heard him groan loudly, he wasn't impressed that Brody had to be there with me “and the ring on your finger?”

“I won't wear it, I will keep it here and wear it when we're alone” I shrugged.

“but I want you to wear it all the time, we are engaged”

“in secret” Brody called out sarcastically “explain that to her parents, oh yeah Mr and Mrs Haden I just knocked your daughter up, but don't worry we're getting married, it'll just be after my other wedding”

I burst out laughing, it was to hard not to when he was teasing his brother, the two of them had been arguing all morning, Blake going over his list of rules with what he was aloud to say and what he wasn't, and then of course what would happen if he said the wrong thing, yes his sore penis was something that would be mild compare to what Blake had in mind.

“wait then, don't tell them your pregnant, your not even showing yet” Blake pulled me backwards into his chest to stop me walking any further.

“we could but I want to get it over and done with sooner?” I wiggled my backside into his crotch, purposely teasing him as I had to leave in a few short moments, his semi hard on was pressed hard into the front of me as he spun me around, a low growl coming from his mouth as he lifted me up and started bouncing me up and down.

“stop it babe” I tried speaking through laughter but it came out as I muffled hyena laugh as he dry humped me in the hallway.

“what the fuck was that?” he let out a loud laugh as he stopped moving me and looked at me “your laugh it the cutest thing ever babe”

“aww thank you handsome” I grinned “let me go so I can leave”

“nope, you need to make it go away” he growled against my ear and bit it gently.

I let out a little squeal as I felt someone behind me grabbing me and pulling me off Blake, Brody had me from behind and dropped me to the floor, I half landed but somehow knocked Brody down and fell down on top of him “ouch my ass hurts” I groaned rubbing it.

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