Chapter Seventeen

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To say I was scared would be an understatement, this in fact would be the one of the most terrifying moments of my life, Blake wasn't saying anything he just held my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze every now and again, the room was silent apart from a clicking noise taking photos every few seconds.

“right lets have a listen shall we” the midwife spoke as she turned up the volume, I looked over at Blake who was looking at my bare stomach, that's all he likes to do lately, rub my belly each night and talk to the babies and brag about how hot he is.

The first heartbeat was beating, I studied Blake's face a small grin expanding on his lips as he looked over towards me, the midwife moved onto the second baby after saying that one was all normal and now I was holding a breath I was hoping everything would be fine as she listened to the other heartbeat I couldn't tell if it was normal or not since it sounded exactly the same as the first one “you hear that?” she smiled “its perfectly normal for 20 weeks, both your babies are healthy as can be but will definitely take after their dad with their height” she grinned looking at Blake who had the biggest smile on his face and he squeezed my hand tightly staring at the monitor that shown our babies kicking about.

“would you like to find out the sex?” she asked.

“yes” we both grinned widely, that was something we definitely wanted to know.

“well this one is a girl” she pointed to the screen, “and this is a little boy”

That was amazing, we were having one of each and I actually couldn't have been happier, the look on Blake's face was the same as mine.

“so when is the due date again?” Blake asked as we drove back home, his hand still holding onto mine.

“October but they will do the caesarean in September, we wont know until I have my check up with the actual doctor” I replied, I was kind of nervous about the delivery I still had plenty of time though.

We sat in the kitchen after our appointment, Blake broke the silence “that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen Alex, I cant explain that feeling I got seeing our babies on that screen and knowing everything is ok, that they both are healthy I am just so happy, you have given me the best thing ever” he grinned kissing my hand.

“I didn’t give them to you, we made them together” I smiled walking over and sitting on his lap wrapping my arms around him tightly.

The weeks that had passed had been amazing, Blake and I changed our minds and decided not to tell anyone about our relationship just yet, he was worried Jenny would flip out and go crazy when she heard the news, so we wanted to wait and I was fine with that, my parents were still rarely talking to me, Cole hadn't said a word since I last seen him and I was back working in the bar much to Blake's displeasure, he wanted me home and resting.

His family hadn't asked why the wedding was called off, I think most of them were happy and well I was ecstatic about it, I had the man of my dreams to myself, the one person who wasn't happy was Kayla, she was furious and her and Blake had gotten into it one night at dinner over with his parents, I hadn't gone since he didn't want his parents to know I was pregnant just yet, we wanted to wait and do that after we had the big scan, which was this morning so I guess we were coming out to everyone shortly, ugh something that I was both dreading and looking forward to.

“you know you sexy you look right now?” he whispered stepping closer to me, his hands pulling my top off and tossing it to the ground as he scooped me up and led us to the couch.

Our clothes being tossed off and us rushing to be together, Brody had ducked out to the shops and well we barely got the place to ourselves, when we did we liked to go crazy still, yes we still shagged like horny teenagers on heat.

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