Chapter Eight

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I sat in the small powder room with Brody, he was waiting as I finished throwing up and as much as Blake wanted to come in I told Brody not to let him near me, I was highly embarrassed, I mean half of their family had just seen me spew over his soon to be wife.

As funny as it was, I don't think I could have made a bigger fool out of myself.

“you ok?” Brody asked rubbing my back lightly.

“yes” I sat up but my head fell back down and I hurled again, it was only water which tasted like vodka coming back up and stinging my throat.

“he's not going to leave you know” he whispered referring to the man outside the door, Blake was growing impatient and asking to come in, when Brody said no, Blake told him he had five minutes to unlock the door or he was going to break the door in, apparently it wont be the first door he's kicked in, and we both knew he would since he was giving us minute reminders and we only had one left.

“he's not going to go away” Brody sighed quietly.

“do I look like I've just been sick?” I wondered out loud.

“nope but you do look freshly fucked you sick bitch” he let out a laugh.

“not my fault your brother cant keep his hands off me” I shrugged teasingly.

“your sick, I don't want to know any more than I need too, I have seen enough” he shuddered.

A loud knock on the door had us both looking towards it “I can hear you both, open the fucking door and let me help you, if your sick I have a right to be in there Alex” he sighed a little loudly.

We ignored him, well managed to until he was down to four seconds then gave in, Brody opened the door while I was still sitting on the tiled floor opposite the toilet and resting my face on the cold tiled wall.

The door shut and all three of us were in here together, it was slightly cramped so to speak since both the boys had longer than average legs and muscle.

“see your baby doesn't even like that witch” I smiled as he crouched down in front of me, letting his legs stretch in front of him as he took hold of my hand and pulled me into his body, my head resting on his chest as he rubbed my belly softly.

“well we're going to have some fun with your random sickness, you feel ok to go out there?” he asked with a ounce of humour.

“no, I just humiliated myself in front of everyone, do you know what it's like to spew on someone at a freaking party?” I groaned hitting my head back into his chest, not hard enough obviously because I was still awake and not unconscious.

“babe no one cares, Jenny was screaming but as soon as you bolted everyone went back to their groups” he bent and kissed the top of my head.

“your lying” I grumbled pouting as I turned around and laid my head in his crotch as I looked up at him, his cold hand feeling nice as it rubbed back and forth over my forehead.

He gave an award winning grin as his hand went back over the front of my stomach, rubbing lightly as he spoke “promise, if anyone says anything to you they will have me to deal with and I think we both know I'm in no mood to be pissed off tonight, I don't give a fuck that Jenny is out there, if someone even touches your stomach I will fucking kill them”

“Blake don't be so dramatic” I rolled my eyes.

He gave me a stern look “it's not dramatic if I mean it”

“trust me he means it” Brody groaned, I had almost forgot he was in the room as well still.

Another loud rapping on the door and all three of us stopped talking “I know your in here” her low and deeper voice growled, one she only uses when she is pissed big time.

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