Chapter Thirty Five

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I made my way towards our room hoping that he wasn’t too mad, well I don’t know why he would be mad for it isn't like I hid this from him.

I cautiously opened the door expecting the worse.

Blake was sitting up in bed even though it was only 6:30pm, he was typing away on his laptop with the tv on.

“am I aloud in here?” I asked not knowing if he wanted me around him or not.

He didn’t look at me though when he spoke “just give me half hour alone” he stated still not looking at me, I felt like someone had punched me when he said those words.

I had to hold back the tears while I walked back out and close the door.

I went back in the kitchen to start washing up “he's mad” I whispered to Brooke, still to scared to talk loud in case he came out like a raging bull. I've seen him angry and I know he can be scary.

“what did he say?” she whispered back getting the dish washing liquid out of the bottom draw

“he asked me to come back in there in half hour” I tried to aim my breath up at my eyes so I didn’t cry.

She gave an apologetic look “I'm sorry, this is my fault he's angry, should I talk to him?”

I raised my brow at her “do you think that would be a good idea?”

“you're right I've seen him throw your dad against a wall so no thanks”

Half hour passed and Brooke headed home, she was going to go hell for leather on Ryan for not showing up, his excuse was he got caught up playing the xbox, I didn't want to be him right now.

I was standing outside our bedroom, I was still to scared to go in there and face him, I don’t think I've ever been afraid of Blake and now I was.

Brody was standing in his doorway doing some kind of sign language to tell me to go in but I kept shaking my head no, he went to step forward threatening to push me so I quickly opened the door only to slam it into Blake who was now in front of me.

I swear Brody's door slammed so fast he could have been mistaken of a vampire.

“what are you doing?” I turned to a frowning Blake, I didn’t know what to say so I just moved past him and grabbed some clean underwear and pyjamas, non sexy ones so neither of us would be tempted even though I hadn't worn anything to bed for months.

“I'm just having a shower” I answered walked back out of the room and towards the bathroom.

Blake had the lights off when I went back into the bedroom, “are you awake?” I asked but there was no answer so he was either fast asleep or still ignoring me.

I laid in the bed with my eyes open, it wasn’t even 8pm yet and I wasn’t used to early nights, I was normally at work around this time and Blake and I had been having late nights. I felt the tears filling up my eyes as I rolled over facing away from him, I laid in bed silently crying for the first time since we'd been married.

I felt his arms pull me into his chest as he kissed my back “don't cry baby” he whispered softly which only made me cry even more.

He pulled me around to face him wiping my tears with his thumb “why didn't you tell me you got upset when we stopped seeing each other?” he whispered.

I didn’t want to re hash all this old stuff again “there was no point in bringing it up” I brought my hand up to his face wiping his tears away “it's in the past, we are together now and that's all that matters, I don’t want to think about the bad things that's happened to us Blake, you and I are married and that's all I care about”

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now