Chapter Fifteen

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The whole way home all I had heard was how amazing and skilled he was for the double knock up, Yes that was what he was now calling it and as much as I begged and pleaded with him not too, he was refusing, seriously who says that, a double knock up he didn't even plan but insisted that his looks and genes were so irresistible and amazing that his sperm just had to make two mini versions of himself.

That there ladies and gentleman was the father of the children, the man who I was going to spend the rest of my life, that man who had freaking tickets on himself.

I couldn't blame him though, he was pretty damn good looking, and he was all mine.

I had asked him what would happen if they were both girls and he simply replied, then they will be as beautiful as their mummy.

Like I said, he's a charmer.

We had came home and the kitchen was still a mess, I couldn't go to sleep with all that mess still in there just begging the ants to come and attack the kitchen, I was mostly annoyed that we didn't get to have our romantic dinner, Blake assured me it was fine to have it tomorrow night and he would help me cook, I didn't want him too but I knew he wouldn't let me do it all alone, not when I was on bed or couch rest, the bleeding was gone but I was still a little freaked out, I didn't want to do anything to make myself bleed again, and if that meant keeping away from my parents then that was something I had to do.

“so are you going to tell me now?” I asked as we laid down into bed.

He groaned and pulled me to his chest, his hand wrapping around my lower waist and down over my bum, reaching my thigh he lifted my leg up and pulled it over his midsection “you really want to know what happened?”

“yes, I want to know what happened” I spoke a little annoyed, if I didn't want to know I wouldn't have asked.

“fine” he huffed “I may have thrown your mother out of my house” he added quickly and quietly.

“you what, explain a bit more when you say thrown out” I sat up staring at him, his needed a shave badly, the shadow covering the lower half of his face was getting longer and it prickled to kiss him.

“you fainted and Brody was ten seconds away from passing out when I got to the bathroom, we laid you on the floor and then I went back to your mother, grabbed her arm and pushed her out the door, told her to stay out of my house, if she came back I would call the police and told your father I was ten seconds away from punching him in the face if he didn't get in his car and leave” he shrugged and ran a hand back up my back to push me back down on his chest.

I laid my head against him and started laughing, having the most funniest thought ever “you realised you just threw your future in laws out of your home and threatened them”

“shit” he spoke as if he just realised what he did.

“don't worry, they obviously deserved it, I mean they tried to sell me off to my ex for crying out loud, she must have been drunk off her ass to do that” the more I thought about the more convinced I was right, she had to be drunk or stoned.

“would you?” he asked quietly.

“would I what?” I let out another yawn.

“doesn't matter babe, get some sleep” he looked down at me as I looked up to kiss him, I pulled back and shook my head, refusing to kiss him until he told me what was on his mine.

“talk” I ordered bossily.

“would you marry him?” he asked, his eyes anywhere but on me.

I pulled away from him and faced away on my side, I was so sick of this conversation, I have had enough of him doubting us, that was my job not his, I was the one who was meant to doubt his feeling for me, not the other way around.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz