Chapter Two

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Both of us were soaked and sitting in his car, I didn't know what to say and I was kind of waiting for the yelling, for the anger and the controlling side of him to show, but it hadn't happened, he was silent and very very still, he was almost statue like as he kept his body looking directly out the window.

His hand suddenly moving and starting the car had me jumping slightly, without a word he had switched the wipers on and indicated to pull out onto the road, not that there was any traffic around, the roads were dead quiet, the storm was only worsening.

When we pulled in the familial drive and parked in the garage was when he spoke, still keeping his eyes ahead and on the white wall “when did you find out?”

A lump in my throat forming as I felt my eyes swell up with tears “I took a test the day after dinner with my parents, then had a scan yesterday to confirm everything”

“you should have told me sooner” his voice wasn't even angry, it was calm. Too calm in fact.

“your never around, you pushed me away” I opened the car door and got out before he could see me crying again.

Making my way inside I went to the bathroom and locked the door, I stared at myself in the mirror, envisioning myself with a swollen stomach and bigger breasts, my heart just ached even more. Why did he have to come and look for me, why couldn't he just leave me and let this be easy for me.

Why the hell does it have to hurt so damn bad.

A knock on the door startled me slightly, I knew he was wanting to talk more but I had nothing to say, I didn't want to talk to him, I wasn't ready.

Standing underneath the hot stream of water I felt my insides warming up, I was so cold and my teeth hadn't stopped chattering, my hands were unfreezing, my toes have feeling in them, a hot shower seemed to fix everything, seemed to make the next three minutes of my life feel normal.

I had hoped he had gone to bed, I just wanted to sleep, I needed to figure things out and work out a way to tell my parents I was knocked up, I couldn't exactly walk in and go hey mum, dad I'm pregnant with a man who's about to be married.

Yeah that would go down awesome.

I made my way to the room and turned the light on, my bag was on my bed and I should have known, Blake had the other set of my car keys, I bet anything Brody had driven it back, that was why Blake told me to come with him.

I unzipped the bag and pulled out some long cotton pjs, putting them on and walking to the window, opening the blinds right up so I could lay in bed and watch the storm, it wasn't like I was going to be able to sleep anyway.

It was killing me, being so close to him but yet I felt so far away, we were a room apart but it felt as if I was on the other side of the world.

My feet hit the ground and before I knew what I was doing I was walking, walking to his bedroom door which was closed shut.

My hand reached out and went to turn the knob when I froze, what the hell was I doing, I couldn't do this, I couldn't loose control and have my feeling torn apart all over again, I pulled my hand back and let out a small breath. Tip toeing to the kitchen instead and flicking the light.

A loud and very high pitched squeal escaped my lips as I spotted Blake right in front of me, his hand slapped over my mouth as I stared at him, how the hell did I not see or hear him and why wasn't he in his bedroom.

His hand moved after I stopped the loud noise which had now definitely woken me right up, I leaned back against the wall and tried catching my breath, feeling as if I had just aged ten years or more.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now