Chapter Thirty

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Everyday I cried, everyday I blamed myself, everyday I felt my heart break, eventually everyday I smiled a little bit more.

One and a half weeks we have been staying in the Villa, we went for walks every night, watched movie's and lazed around in bed during the day time, ordered take out every night, soaked in the bath together, it was actually nice to not have to worry about work or what the day was, sure we still got messages everyday, and Blake text back his usual fine, thanks but apart from that it was just what I needed.

My bleeding stopped which was good, I was sick of bleeding heavy and wondering if I was going to soak through the sheets.

I also started on the pill, that will be fun getting used to again.

But today I woke up feeling different, I felt refreshed, kind of normal and not so sad.

I looked over at Blake who was staring at me smiling “sleep well beautiful?”

I nodded with a slight smile “actually I feel kind of good” I didn’t feel like crying, I normally cried as soon as I woke up but today I didn’t feel the need to.

“how are you feeling?” I questioned, Blake has been the same as I was, he'd break down and cry if he caught me crying hard, it was tough crying together and hurting so badly.

“I feel good, I feel better that your not crying” he shyly smiled leaning forward kissing me brushing the hair away from my face.

“what do you think they would of grown up to look like?” he quietly asked.

I had been dreading this conversation for so long, I didn’t know how I would react, but I wasn’t expecting to feel like this “black hair, dark blue eyes” I smiled picturing Thomas and Lily as mini Blake's.

He let out a laugh “I always thought blonde hair with blue eyes like their mum”

I smiled, it was nice to talk about them “Blake” I slowly looked up into his eyes “I promise I will make you a dad again” I knew we talked about it before but he was sloshed and well I didn't know if he remembered it.

Nothing could of prepared me for his reaction, I watched as his smile grew bigger and his eyes glassy with water “I can't wait” he whispered “I didn't know if you had changed your mind since the other week, but I cant wait to try again”

“In the hospital I couldn't even think about having another baby, but I really want to, I want nothing more than to try again with you” I looked down biting my lip.

“don’t be sorry, I want to spend some time with us together going out, holidays, just being with you is enough for me at the moment, I want you spoil you and romance you even more than I do already” he grinned.

I leaned forward kissing him, this time neither of us moved away, he wrapped his arms around my lower waist, pulling me closer towards him as my hands ran through his hair making him groan softly against my mouth, I pulled him closer so he was now laying on top of me.

His mouth travelled down towards my fuller breasts, kissing them, softly sucking as he travelled back up kissing all along the way to my mouth. I felt his hardness against my stomach and my hands reached for his boxers tugging on them while still kissing him, not wanting to break contact as our kisses were only growing more and more needing, leaving a fire in my mouth.

He sat up pulling my panties down and throwing them on the floor, then he removed his boxers, lowering himself back down to me, his hand went between my thighs softly rubbing as I grew more and more wetter, I moaned quietly as he went to push himself inside me, but then I started to panic.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now