Chapter Twelve

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for Cole to come out of the shower, Brody offered to come in but I wanted him to wait inside the car, this was something that I needed to do alone and after the aftermath of my parents blow up I knew Brody would probably lunge at the next person who did something to upset me.

I hadn't cried so yay that was a plus, I was definitely happy about that.

“Lexi?” the familiar smooth voice came from behind me.

“Cole” I spoke as he walked around, his blonde hair dripping wet and he was only wearing a towel, the body I used to love no longer appealed to me, I realised compared to Blake, Cole was like a little boy, well not a little boy but he wasn't muscley, he was thin and sure he had a 6 pack but Blake was a man, a manly man with hair over his chest.

I remembered when he asked if I wanted him to get waxed or trimmed, no way in hell I told him, well he did trim other area's but the chest and snail trail hair was staying.

“what are you doing here?” he asked throwing on a shirt and sitting down in front of me.

I fiddled with my fingertips for a little while “I just want to tell you something before you heard it from someone else, I'm pregnant”

“you should leave” he spoke in barely a whisper, his head was hanging low and he was pinching the bridge of his nose.

“what?” I asked.

“who's the father? Is it Brody's?” he asked, when he looked up his eyes were watery and red.

Shit, he was crying and I never ever wanted that to happen, nor did I expect it to happen.

“no it's not but that doesn't matter, I'm living with him and Blake for a while since my parents disowned me, apparently us having sex was the worst thing to ever happen” I shrugged feeling my own tears coming in.

“I'm sorry Alex, I was a jerk to you and you didn't deserve it” he gave a weak smile “you're right, I lost the best thing I ever had just because of what some mates wanted” he shook his head looking angry.

“don't” I breathed out “we're over and you moved on”

“I haven't slept with anyone” he blurted out in a quick rush “I told my mates I did but I couldn't do it, sure I kissed a couple people but I never slept with them and then when I seen you with Brody and I lost it, I realised then that I lost you for good and now you're pregnant with someone else's kid, that baby that we were meant to have together, the family I always wanted with you” he wiped his eyes “tell me who's it is please”

I shook my head, trying to come to terms with everything he had just told me, to know he hadn't had sex with anyone else was making me sicker than I ever imagined.

“if your alone I will step up and take care of you, I can call the child my own if that is what you want Lex, we can be together” he asked looking over at me hopefully.

“don't do this, you told me you didn't want to be with me, that you weren't ready to have kids or a marriage” I raised my voice “you ended it and broke my heart so badly”

“I made a fucking mistake, we could do this again Lex, I still love you” he reached over to take hold of my hand but I pulled back, I couldn't do this to Blake, I loved him and I just didn't love Cole any more, I couldn't love him.

I knew it was time for me to leave when he started going on about how good we used to be, as if bringing up the past was going to change my mind.

“I need to leave, I just thought you should know” I spoke finally finding my voice “I'm so sorry I shouldn't of came here, please don't make it harder on me” I jumped up and before he could stand I bolted for the door, running to the car which thankfully was already started and ready.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now