Chapter Twenty

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The next couple days passed slowly, I slept most of yesterday and Blake called every hour to check up on me since I wouldn't let him stay home from work to 'take care of his baby mummy' as he started to call me.

“Blake!!” I shouted from the shower “quick get in here now” I screeched hoping he could hear my loud voice.

The bathroom door flung open and he came flying in “what? Is it the babies are they coming?” he panted hard.

“no they're kicking quick” I shouted again and held out my hand as pulled him in the shower, kinda forgetting that he was fully dressed already and getting soaked.

His eyes lit up as I pressed his palms to the sides of my belly “feel it?” I asked happily.

“yes” he grinned “I feel them both, how long have they done this for?” he asked not taking his eyes off my belly.

“just now” I grinned even wider as I felt another kick the the stomach “they're finally kicking”

“you know I have to get changed since I have a meeting at 9 sharp” he grabbed his towel and gave me a look that said thanks a lot.

“would you rather miss their first kicks?” I questioned and he shook his head with a slight smile “right didn't think so, go get changed and get to work” I blew him a kiss.

I had a marinated roast beef with vegetables cooking for dinner, I had spent the entire day cleaning, doing the laundry, I made biscuits, a cheesecake, different savouries, to think of it I spent the afternoon cooking a lot of things, I just had so much energy and wanted to show Blake I'm actually good for something other than sex for once, I think I was nesting or whatever it was called.

I was stirring the gravy when the door opened and Blake strolled in, I looked at the clock and it was only 5pm “why are you here? I thought you were working la-” I got cut off by his mouth against mine pushing me up against the fridge and making everything inside it rattle, he pulled away while I tried to wrap my head around what just happened.

He stood there staring at me smiling, I smiled back, he had the most infectious grin which made any bad days good.

“well are you going to tell me why your here early?” I asked but he wasn't looking at me any more.

“what smells so good?” he walked over to the oven peering through the glass then slightly opening the door, the herb marinade aroma instantly filled the room up and my mouth started watering, closing the door he opened the fridge grabbing a beer “you cooked all this and cleaned?” he sat the beer down and pulled me into another kiss.

“I was full of energy today which was weird, I kind of like cooking” I grinned “but that doesn't tell me why you're home so early?” I frowned pushing myself away from him, he pulled me back into his chest bringing his head closer down to mine our lips softly brushing together “Alex” he whispered huskily kissing me softly “she's getting charges laid against her, dad is taking her to court for fraud and a heap of other things” he kissed down my neck.

It took about ten seconds to figure out what he just said, I pushed him backwards “really?” I whispered and he slowly nodded.

“say something” he quietly spoke after we stood in silence for about 5 minutes, I stared at the ground not knowing what to say exactly, I mean do I congratulate him or say sorry? I mean I was happy, like so happy he we were about to be free of that bitch and we could start our life together free of hiding our relationship.

“how are you feeling?” I quietly asked as he stepped closer towards me slowly.

“are you serious? I feel like I'm free of a dead weight, I don’t have to worry about her any more, I'm so happy right now I could ask you to marry me but I kind of already did that” my heart did flips at how free he actually looked.

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