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AN: Hello all, work is getting crazy, so chapters are going to slow down. Also, I'm going to London this week with my family. Anyways, I found a fanfiction on Ao3, so I'm going to be reading a lot of those when I get a chance. If you have any suggestions, please go ahead.




Dipper Pines woke up at seven, well past sunrise, and stared at the ceiling for a while remembering the events the previous day. Yesterday, his Grunkle Stan had gotten the cheapest fair money could buy, and Dipper and Wendy walked around the fair. Dipper was having a great time with Wendy and even seemed to making progress into Wendy's heart when tragedy struck.

Dipper was trying to win a plush of indeterminate species for Wendy from a carnival game involving throwing balls at stacked cans. Dipper threw his ball, but it bounced off into Wendy's eye, and Robbie was able to get Wendy as his girlfriend.

Dipper ran into a time traveler, and stole the time traveler's time machine with Mabel. Dipper rewrote the past over and over, while Mabel won her pig Waddles in every timeline. Dipper discovered that the only timeline where Wendy didn't end up with Robbie was one where Mabel helped Dipper, meaning Mable wasn't able to get Waddles. Dipper had to let Robbie end up dating Wendy so that Mabel could get her pig. After the fair, Wendy and Robbie went to the arcade and Soos brought Dipper and Mabel with to the arcade. Wendy told Robbie that she would be gone today, but Robbie didn't seem to be paying attention.

Dipper sighed, and started doing his general muscle training exercises for an hour. Once he finished, Dipper took a shower and ate breakfast. After breakfast, He sat down with Stan, Soos, and Mabel to play poker.

"King me!" shouted Mabel as she revealed her hand of two kings.

"Aww, come on!" complained Dipper.

"It's not fair; she doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan said while pushing his poker "chips" to Mabel (It's actually Ribz round crackers, the GF version of Ritz.).

"Go fish?" Mabel guessed, causing Stan and Dipper to groan.

Suddenly, some mid electric guitar music entered through the open window.

"Hey dudes, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head." Soos said.

"Ooh, ooh, see if you can change the channel by blinking." suggested Mabel.

Soos blinked, but the music stayed the same. "Nope"

A voice began to accompany the music, crying like a dying goat, "Weeeendy!"

"Ugh, sounds like Robbie." Dipper sighed while putting his cards down.

"Robbie? Isn't he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?" Stan said.

"He called me Big Dude once. I know I'm a big dude, but it kind of hurt." Soos added.

"Should I sic Waddles on him again?" asked Mabel with Stan nodding in agreement. Waddles, Mabel's pet pig she won the previous day, snorted and sat up.

"No, I'll handle this." Dipper said as he stood up. The three sitting around the table oohed, and Stan ran into the kitchen.



Robbie Valentino continued his serenading of the mystery shack. "Wendy! Wendy! Wendy! Wendy? C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!"

Dipper interrupted Robbie, "You realize she's not here, right?"

"Yeah, of course." Robbie continued playing his guitar until he realized what Dipper said. "What!?"

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