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Another meme I found on the wiki



AN: Hello everyone. If I can, I'm going to try and make it through season 1 by the end of June. Happy anniversary to Gravity Falls, the best animated TV show ever! Pour yourself a cup of whatever you like to drink and raise a toast to Alex Hirsch for creating this world we love so much, and raise a toast to your favorite characters.

Fun fact I found from the commentary, the hand-witches clothes are based off of Manos: The Hands of Fate, a very good movie (not).

Fortnite added a Lewis gun, and as a major history buff, I like it very much.

Here's the link to the discord.



Techno skidded to a stop in front of the black blanket of crows that had covered his home and fields. The crows formed a series of circles around Techno, and a large bird with green eyes swooped down and walked forward.

"Hey Techno, Philza's starting to wake up. We don't know exactly where he is, but we can lead you to where we last saw him." Brian, Phil's oldest crow and leader of the flock, said in his dulcet TTS tone.

"Let's go."

"Follow!" cawed Brian. The murder of crows took to the skies and flew over the cliff's edge.

"Guys...? Hey guys? You know I can't fly, right?"

"Cahahaha" the crows laughed, circling back to lead Techno over land and not as the crow flies.



Techno rushed through the underbrush, breaking through bushes and hopping over loose ground.

"This way!" cawed Brian, directing Techno left down the cliffs. The crows raced ahead, waited for Techno to catch up, made fun of him for being slow, and raced ahead again like little kids. Brian sighed to himself while watching them, hoping Phil would come back soon and reel their more chaotic impulses back in.

Techno saw, through the gap in the trees, a white bell tower. Techno came out from the woods and saw the tower was part of an abandoned church deep in the woods. A line of red yarn led from the front door out into the woods, down a dirt road.

"This is as far as we go. Phil is down beneath the church, somewhere." Brian said.

"Thanks." Techno said, walking through the doors. The crows waved goodbye and flew off, as there was a dangerous predator was about and they didn't want to be eaten. Techno's eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness inside the church. There was a hole in the wall, a collapsed section of flooring, and a Hillbilly in a rocking chair playin' a banjo.

"Howdy, feller! You here to find somethin' that durn wing-ly critter stole?" Old Man McGucket greeted from his a-rockin chair.

"Uhm, not exactly." Techno said, walking into the church. "What wing-ly critter?"

"Why, the P-terodactyl o' course. It shows up ev'ry summer and steals my shinies. It's down in them abandoned mines below the church." McGucket said, hopin' out of his chair and walking over to the hole and looking down.

"Huh." Techno commented, wondering if there might be a connection between where Phil was and how a Pterodactyl had survived something like 65 million years.



Outside, the serenity of the forest was disrupted by the sound of an engine of a Fjord Bird O' Prey. Soos' rusty brown pick-up rolled up the dirt path, following the trail of yarn left by the Pterodactyl when it pignapped Waddles. Soos, Mabel, Dipper, and Stan were on a rescue operation to rescue Waddles.

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