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AN: Hey all, how ya doin'? Good to see you all again, I hope you enjoy. This is one of the longer chapters despite very minimal notes.

Remember, reality is an illusion; the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!




Mabel tossed back and forth under her covers. After she had bid goodnight to her brother earlier, she tried to go to sleep, but was haunted by images of Dipper, dead and broken on the ground, every time she closed her eyes.

The source of these fears was a note she had found on the floor of the Stanmobile when the Pines were heading home after the disaster that was Sock Opera: A Glove Story. The note was from Bill Cipher, triangular dream demon, who had possessed Dipper and taken control of his body. The note read as such:

'Note to self: Possessing people is hilarious! To think of all the sensations I've been missing out on- burning, stabbing, drowning. It's like a buffet tray of fun! Once I destroy that journal, I'll enjoy giving this body it's grand finale- by throwing it off the water tower! Best of all, people will just think Pine Tree lost his mind, and his mental form will wander in the mindscape forever. Want to join him, Shooting Star?'

Mabel wasn't worried about the threats to herself, after all, she felt she kind of deserved it after what she had put her brother through. Mabel promised herself to show Dipper when they got home, and then before bed, and then before he fell asleep, but time passed so quickly and whenever she opened her mouth to talk about it, she felt like her throat had been coated in lead and she was unable to choke out a word about it.

As she continued to twist and turn, Mabel began to feel hot under the blankets. She tried to tell herself that it was just sleepiness slowly overcoming her body, but she still hadn't pass peacefully into sleep when it reached her head. Under the covers, it continued to heat up until Mabel felt like she was in an oven, causing her to sweat heavily and feel like she would be cooked alive. Finally, she could take it no longer, and threw off her blankets.

Immediately, the cool Oregon air soothed the young girl as she sighed in contentment. Mabel settled into the mattress, hoping to be able to fall asleep now that she no longer felt like she was the turkey in a thanksgiving dinner. However, Mabel encountered a new problem: it was cold in the attic. Mabel felt as if she had been thrust from the middle of the Sahara into the Arctic Circle.

Mabel passed an hour trying to arrive in a temperate climate, but no matter what combination of blankets, sheets, and stuffed animals she used it was always either too hot or too cold. After that, she gave up on sleep and slipped out of the room, being careful not to wake Dipper, and snuck downstairs to pour herself a glass of Mabel Juice.

On her way out of the room, she noticed the journal on the bedside table. Deciding to put her time to good use, Mabel grabbed it and took it downstairs with her. Mabel passed the rest of the night in the kitchen, pouring over the journal while pouring herself more Mabel Juice.



Stan yawned as he rode the elevator to the surface. He had spent the last few hours working on the machine and finally decided to get a little sleep at three in the morning. As he groggily dragged his weary body through the house towards his room on the second floor, he noticed light spilling out of the kitchen.

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