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AN: Hello again.

I now have beef with Yugoslavia. I was playing a game of HOI4 and was trying to get Wojtek on the throne of Poland and it was going pretty well, then Yugoslavia joined the Axis, called in Germany and Italy, then got kicked from the faction because Germany wanted to invade them. I managed to hold on for a month, but since a majority of my army was stuck in Yugoslavia and then Romania, I couldn't do diddly squat. I did inflict over a million casualties upon my foes before I fell.

I drank a G-fuel and did some exercising before I started writing for the all-nighter and my legs started shaking. I am unable to determine if the shaking came from the caffeine or the squats.

At the time of writing, I have been up for more than 24 hours straight, G-fuel is like a miracle thing I barely even feel tired. I also wrote a majority of the chapter in the past 24 hours, like 4,000+ words worth.




The morning after the zombie attack, Dipper was hanging out with Wendy. The two were at Wendy's house, watching bad movies and then laughing at those bad movies. The current movie was Nearly almost Dead But Not Quite!.

"What do we do, Chadley? I thought they were dead!" one of the two characters on-screen asked as zombies surrounded the pair.

"Far worse, Trixandra! They're... Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" Chadley responded.

"Man, these movies are a lot less scary when you've actually fought real zombies." Dipper commented.

"They're slow! Just power-walk away from them!" Wendy said to the TV.

"How much you want to bet that guy dies first?" Dipper asked, pointing to Chadley.

A chomp was heard from the movie followed by Chadley screaming. "Aah! My face is being eaten a lot!"

Wendy and Dipper burst out laughing.

"Chadley ain't pretty no more." Wendy said. Wendy's phone buzzed and Wendy reached into her pocket to grab it. "One sec. Ugh, another text from Robbie." She groaned.

"Oh, yeah! Robbie." Dipper laughed awkwardly. "How's... uh, how's all that going?"

"Ugh, I'm over him, I just wish he was over me! Just look at these texts." Wendy said, holding up her phone. "Winky frown? What does that even mean?"

"And you're not..." Dipper coughed uncomfortably. "not like, seeing any other guys or..." Dipper trailed off, looking at Wendy through the corner of his eyes.

"Of course I am, meet my new boyfriend, dude." Wendy said, grabbing hold of a blue walrus with a purple bowler hat.

Dipper laughed. "Right, right. So, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to maybe if, you know, you and me, whatever... I mean if maybe you..." Dipper said awkwardly, trying to force out his question before giving up and switching to a different question defeatedly. "wanted to join me and Mabel on this mystery hunt tomorrow? Conspiracy stuff and all that? That's all."

"Yeah, dude. I love doing junk with friends." Wendy said before turning back to the TV. "Yo Chadley, watch out!"

"Yeah, 'cause that's what we are. It's all we'll ever be." Dipper said dejectedly, looking at his confession note to Wendy. "Friends." Dipper said, laying down on Wendy's bed.

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